Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
i feel anyone rocking those at the beach is up to no good
View attachment 4127733
On European beaches, lots of women go topless. (:
It's beauty too be held or beauty to behold, depending where you happen to be standing.

Twice in my life I have seen dudes wearing skimpy suits.:shock:

1 was wearing what looked to be a marble sack, and no, I did not stop to frisk him to be sure. o_O
Who knows It could have been a kangaroo scrotum.

My wife looked and all she said was "He is too old for that.":P

Another time I saw a guy wearing a thong.

I love the beach. Ya just never know what's going to show up.:bigjoint:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
It’s my last day ay work. I prepare my work stations , sit down in my chair for no more then about 30 seconds and the light bulb in my desk lamp flickers for about 15 seconds and burns out. So fucking wierd....
your last day at work, it's friday and you'll be back next week? or your last day at work, i'm taking early retirement, kiss my ass?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
your last day at work, it's friday and you'll be back next week? or your last day at work, i'm taking early retirement, kiss my ass?
Last day forever at this place of employment. I’m not retiring, I have another job awaiting me in California.
Apparently it’s your lightbulbs last day too..
but it might be a sign like in the movies. Like a super natural presence.
The lamp was left by the last lead tech. It’s too coincidental.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Last day forever at this place of employment. I’m not retiring, I have another job awaiting me in California.
but it might be a sign like in the movies. Like a super natural presence.
The lamp was left by the last lead tech. It’s too coincidental.
The bulb, out of it's heartbreak and misery, ended it's own life because it could not bear to shine on for anyone else :)


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
The bulb, out of it's heartbreak and misery, ended it's own life because it could not bear to shine on for anyone else :)

Your so nice! What a sweet thing to say.:hug:its turning out to be a terrific last day. My last patient brought her 54 year old special needs daughter with her who was so cute. She wanted to hold my hand as we walked down the hall-she hugged me and told me she loved me. :p


Well-Known Member
My new helper is something else. I'm going to have a story a day about that fucking dude.

1. He goes "You know my cousin married a Chinese guy. I actually don't know if he's Chinese or Asian. His name is Steve, we just call him Chink." That's not very nice

2. We're talking about child abuse and I'm telling him about police coercion with kids and how they can often create a fake narrative and he goes "oh oh that's called "grouping". You know , when someone touches a kid." Well no. It's called "groping" And that's not even what the fuck I'm talking about.

I don't know how or why these fucking people gravitate towards me.

I'm in a world full of morons and they keep putting more on.