Aussie Growers Thread

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
What you get from using ethanol and from butane isn’t even comparable,one is a thin runny liquid and the other is more like a hard toffee or wax
If you let all the Ethanol evap, yea, its a toffee like substance- tis beautiful. Great for dabbing. I do like Dabbing but the whole set up is a bit of a pain.
Ive got some droppers on order and I'm going to add some more ethanol to make it more vicious and put it in a air tight dropper and drop some on say a cigarette and ive been told in a refillable vape cartridge as well. I'm not familiar with vapes so ill need to do more research on that if I go that way for some experiments.

All depends on what ya want to do. I like the thought of ethanol as its just grain alcohol...pretty damn safe and easily available where I am.
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