The Vault’s Blue Dream’matic Auto Comparative Grow – in association with FastBuds

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May 8, 2017
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Also how many seeds get sent out usually? guessing 3? (my first comparative.)

The last 2 comparatives I have done it has been 5 seeds, but because there are 2 versions running this time it may differ (only my guess, probably wrong!). Either way, you can see why people enter and why it is such a great thing that @Jack Vault and the seed companies do for us.

Got my confirmation email, pretty excited to see what they turn out like. Never grown any autos before, so yesterday
I popped a couple of autos, first time trying them so i though I'd run a couple for practice before the comparative ones arrive :-)

Popped them for practice? You are North East Uk aren't you, you are virtually throwing distance from the Vault! I am Derbyshire area and I got my last seeds the day after my notification! I bet your seeds arrive before the others even get a taproot.

If either of these varieties are remotely similar to the last couple we ran from Mephisto, you will get a fantastic intro to autos. I have never grown FastBuds or Dutch Passion plants before so I am really looking forward to this one.
This is my first try at these breeders as well, though I've done several Mephisto only rounds in the tent in the last year so I'm excited to compare! I'll be running these next to some Mephisto Double Grape IMGP0278.JPG , not the biggest yielder in flower weight, but so much resin, I get a steady 25% from rosin pressing the flower and dry sift the rest of the plant lol. You can see resin glands on most fan leaves and this one is only 7 weeks from sprout :)
I had a bad storm come threw last night hail, wind, rain the whole deal, and it beat up one of my wonder woman girls pretty bad. so if she dont make it i have a open 45 gallon pot, that should hold a couple of these