Trump Strikes deal


Well-Known Member
Huge news people. Trump is letting States do what they wish, and Looking at Total legalization Nation wide. Seeing there is now a FDA questionnaire floating around on the web, where you can give your input on Legalization, for info on removing from being a scheduled HERB. You have till April 23rd to give your input. Search Tweeter for it.

This is huge win,..


lol, I hear ya man,

But if it does hold, I expect alot of States to go full legal within a month or 2, especially that have Medical already. Alot of states were on the fence just because of this bickering per/State rights.

I would imagine this will also allow Banks to Bank,


lol, I hear ya man,

But if it does hold, I expect alot of States to go full legal within a month or 2, especially that have Medical already. Alot of states were on the fence just because of this bickering per/State rights.

I would imagine this will also allow Banks to Bank,

Out in my state rivals have forced Cuomo to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to Cannabis
Huge news people. Trump is letting States do what they wish, and Looking at Total legalization Nation wide. Seeing there is now a FDA questionnaire floating around on the web, where you can give your input on Legalization, for info on removing from being a scheduled HERB. You have till April 23rd to give your input. Search Tweeter for it.

This is huge win,..
Huge news people. Trump is letting States do what they wish, and Looking at Total legalization Nation wide. Seeing there is now a FDA questionnaire floating around on the web, where you can give your input on Legalization, for info on removing from being a scheduled HERB. You have till April 23rd to give your input. Search Tweeter for it.

This is huge win,..

I wouldn't put too much behind his word being as the guy is known to flip flop
They just changed our laws in Michigan! No clones or seeds this year for medical. We were doing fine here. Assuming it's political, but where do patients get clones to start for their pain now? :(
They just changed our laws in Michigan! No clones or seeds this year for medical. We were doing fine here. Assuming it's political, but where do patients get clones to start for their pain now? :(

As in you can’t buy or sell clones or seeds or can’t posses or make at all? Has to be a loophole to that
you guys are dreamers, the only way that trump will legalize weed is if it somehow benefits trump. i don't see it happening anytime soon. the fucker picked sessions......

Aye, but if there's a chance of a jump in revenue to pay for pet projects, whether you agree with them or not, never mind how allowing individual states to decide to allow weed and free up resources to hunt down the meth, smack, marching powder and fentanyl then it could be a goer.

It all depends on what, if any, thought has gone into things, but anything that changes the current situation where Federal law and State law are at such odds with each other, anything that clears things up, can't be a bad thing.
Aye, but if there's a chance of a jump in revenue to pay for pet projects, whether you agree with them or not, never mind how allowing individual states to decide to allow weed and free up resources to hunt down the meth, smack, marching powder and fentanyl then it could be a goer.

It all depends on what, if any, thought has gone into things, but anything that changes the current situation where Federal law and State law are at such odds with each other, anything that clears things up, can't be a bad thing.
i just don't see trump ever doing anything to "clear things up" unless it just happens by accident, like most anything good that comes from trumps administration, purely by accident
i just don't see trump ever doing anything to "clear things up" unless it just happens by accident, like most anything good that comes from trumps administration, purely by accident

Could well be accidental, but the revenue potential doesn't lie, and to a politician more revenue is a bigger trough to stick their noses in.

But, as said, do it right and you save a fortune on petty possession charges, save court time, save prison time, that's all costs from revenue so there's a hell of a saving added to the potential extra revenue which, in reality, could be at least partially used to help against the real scourges like meth, crack, smack, "other opiates", etc.

That's the angle I'd use in his place, as narcotics and the economy are two major issues, so there's revenue PLUS "being seen to be doing something about the real curses on society".

Plus he'd annoy the shit out of people in every aspect of politics,.wouldn't you enjoy doing that?
i just don't see [ANY POTUS] ever doing anything to "clear things up" unless it just happens by accident, like most anything good that comes from [any presidential] administration, purely by accident....[because politicians are all cancerous, corrupt, traitorous, lying pieces of human filth]
