Yes.You would not like my Poly Shunks then.
Poly Shunk 1 {Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap} X Shit/Skunk.
Poly Shunk 1.5 {Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint} X Shit/Skunk.
Then when you add in the crosses I have made with them.
(Ass Cheese {Cindy's Blue Cheese X Donkey Kong} X {Powernap X Sinmint Cookies}) X Poly Shunk 1.5.
Skunk X Shit/Skunk X Poly Shunk 1.
(Gorille de Raisin X {Powernap X Sinmint Cookies}) X {Afghani X Shit/Skunk}
Ass Cheese X {Blue Shiva X Blue Shark}
{Ass Cheese X {Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X [Blue Shiva X Blue Shark}
I could go on, but you get the picture.
And they sound great.
But it would be a disservice to call them anything else.
Especially selling them as something else.
We're all chuckers here.
I definitely wouldnt call myself a "breeder" by any stretch of the imagination.
Seed packets should be like food packets.
They need all the ingredients stated.