

Active Member
i think i know what happened. went to walmart got three 42w cfls for a little more light but i put one in the middle of the plants kinda low. so that the lower branches would get light..two days later there's a bunch of mushrooms growing out of the soil and the plant looks like it's dying. i found one in the other plant and took it out and stirred the soil...i'm pretty sure it was just the light the soil was getting and how moist it was ha. really weird though


Well-Known Member
If u got shrooms in ur pot then ur more than likely watering way too much.... what kind of soil are u using?


Active Member
i'm trying to upload a pic..i think i was watering way too much i was just wondering if anyone else has ever even heard of that lol..never seen it before


Active Member
those dont look like the good kind at all. you most likely have too high of a moisture retention which makes shrooms possible to grow since they need high humidity and high moisture. where the spores flew in from who knows....


Well-Known Member
I mean.... mad people have mushrooms growing out of the bottom of their pots and it never seems to effect the plant. I'm not sure if there's a correlation between Good growing and Number of mushrooms in the soil. Maybe you just have mushroomy soil - that is a lot of mushrooms tho so I would water less.

I say as long as your plant looks good then fuck the mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
ar you joking us? doesnt look like theyre growing there. looks like you put them there.


Active Member
i thought mushrooms were a fungus?? if i stand corrected please notify me! thats no bueno mi amigo. ne way of a transfer to a different pot??


Active Member
Unless you put them there, I wouldn't eat em... Never know, not worth the bad things that could happen.. Blue pinch isn't always a good tell either. There are several very kind forums like this one for Shroomies, different beast, but lots of really helpful people if you are inclined to look into them more..



Well-Known Member
did you use fertilizer? compost? that could be the source. we used mushroom compost on our lawn once. had big mushies growing there for months. non active ones though. maybe try re potting with some perlite etc. more drainage may help.