First Grow..3 weeks Into flower...


Well-Known Member
on a side not even from that picture it looks like you have 2 weeks still ....... sorry

If you dont have a trich scope do you randomly have a telescope?

Dont be sorry at all...i really do appreciate ur input, and i'll def be waiting the 8 weeks... Can i just pick up a magnifying glass??? Or its not strong enough??? Just had to pay for oil.....BOOOOO TO THAT SHIT!!!!! so, its gotta be cheap...or nothing at all!! for right now anyway..


Well-Known Member
That looks like a tasty bud for sure! How are you going to dry it

...... crosses fingers .....
I have it hanging in a dark ikea wardrobe closet (maybe u even designed it??? ;).... yes??? gets plenty of circulation...and the temp is like 65* few degrees up during the day


Well-Known Member
Dont be sorry at all...i really do appreciate ur input, and i'll def be waiting the 8 weeks... Can i just pick up a magnifying glass??? Or its not strong enough??? Just had to pay for oil.....BOOOOO TO THAT SHIT!!!!! so, its gotta be cheap...or nothing at all!! for right now anyway..
whats oil? You mean gas?

And a magnifying glass is not powerful enough..... well now that I think about it it depends on the magnification of the lens ...... but most are to small. So I take it you dont have a telescope?

lol I dont touch Ikea ... Great looking furniture to an extent but it is make cheaply with mdf and laminates and they fall apart after 1 move. Great starter furature ...... just bias sence thats what I do.


Well-Known Member
whats oil? You mean gas?

And a magnifying glass is not powerful enough..... well now that I think about it it depends on the magnification of the lens ...... but most are to small. So I take it you dont have a telescope? no telescope
Andmean oil..the house i rent is oil heat... just dropped $795 on 200 gallons!! HATE IT!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Holly $%^%$ :o:sad:

lol I have never even heard of that.

Oil heat?? Or that price? I live in NY, we get f*cked up the @ss ROYALLY!!! and freeze our asses off trying to save money on the damn heat..NO FUN. Also why i got into growing for myself....tired of droppin $220 every 2 weeks for an ounce of weak ass dro...the good shit costs me $300-$350 an ounce... so that def adds up QUICKLY!!! Hence my adventures in growing...trying to stick to a budget!!! home heating oil is $3.09 a gallon x 200 gallons = $618, and if we're lucky 200 gallons will last til december/jan then we need to pay out agn
we paid closer to $4 - b/c we're tenants and NOT the homeowners we can only do C.O.D. they dont let us set up payment plans for the year unless u give a $500 deposit!! BS!!


Well-Known Member home heating oil is $3.09 a gallon x 200 gallons = $618, and if we're lucky 200 gallons will last til december/jan then we need to pay out agn
we paid closer to $4 - b/c we're tenants and NOT the homeowners we can only do C.O.D. they dont let us set up payment plans for the year unless u give a $500 deposit!! BS!!
I have never heard of oil heat personally probably because I am born and raised in Cali. so basicaly $618 worth of oil lasts roughly 2.5 months so its cold in NY for how many months? ...... lets say 5 months so you are paying $1236 in oil to heat your house for 5 months ......... No fire place? Dam you are getting screwed for driving AND heating ...... :o


Well-Known Member
You're doing Mighty Fine, girl! That little bit you took early looks nice for its lack of maturity and I hoep that it did you some good! If it was good when it was that young just steel your resolve with the thought of how much stronger it will be after the full 8 weeks are finished and maybe you should be super thankful that you aren't growing something with a 15 week flowering period... I would have gone crazy, myself. In summary, don't feel bad about sneaking snacks, cuz its your weed and your grow. And you are doing really well from what I can see! Good Job and Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
You're doing Mighty Fine, girl! That little bit you took early looks nice for its lack of maturity and I hoep that it did you some good! If it was good when it was that young just steel your resolve with the thought of how much stronger it will be after the full 8 weeks are finished and maybe you should be super thankful that you aren't growing something with a 15 week flowering period... I would have gone crazy, myself. In summary, don't feel bad about sneaking snacks, cuz its your weed and your grow. And you are doing really well from what I can see! Good Job and Good Luck!

Ty Hackel!!!!! :) :mrgreen: i'm drying that bud the right way...and staying hands off til its 8 weeks... hehehe and ive actually been checking Nirvana...the only way id be able to grow a long flowering strain is if i have a short one in there too..otherwise id be wayyyyyy too impatient....
Afterall....its the weed that mellows my


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of oil heat personally probably because I am born and raised in Cali. so basicaly $618 worth of oil lasts roughly 2.5 months so its cold in NY for how many months? ...... lets say 5 months so you are paying $1236 in oil to heat your house for 5 months ......... No fire place? Dam you are getting screwed for driving AND heating ...... :o
Makes sense cuz ur in Cali...but yeh between gas & oil heat (which i cant make I had to decide where to stop spending....and hence Ive found my answer...:) friends had a stop on their honeymoon to SF...they fucn LOVED it...found stoners at some java cafe place...had weed in no time....friendly city from their experience


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the oil. and no you cant just use a magnefying lense!
Fuck it..paying bills is part of i wish i had gas heat...yes, but i love where i live..and hopefully it will be a mild if not out come the credit cards..hahaha


Well-Known Member
A reply to it within 8 minutes? Damn, girl! You really are bored! I can dig it with the getting two strains... My habits make it a really good idea to have one of those fast flowering indica-dominants... First, All of us get impatient when a little heaven is waiting and second I hear that body stone is really great for insomnia and I now smoke at night, anyway, so I can get things done during the day.

So you look for the functional up high or are you wanting the narcotic stone? I hear that you can influence the up or down of your buzz by harvesting earlier or later.


Well-Known Member
A reply to it within 8 minutes? Damn, girl! You really are bored! I can dig it with the getting two strains... My habits make it a really good idea to have one of those fast flowering indica-dominants... First, All of us get impatient when a little heaven is waiting and second I hear that body stone is really great for insomnia and I now smoke at night, anyway, so I can get things done during the day.

So you look for the functional up high or are you wanting the narcotic stone? I hear that you can influence the up or down of your buzz by harvesting earlier or later.

Oh yeh im online all day at work... bored..
and i like the trippy head highs... more of the body buzz when im trying to sleep...but i usually hafta take pills too anyway..
But generally speaking im a fan of the head highs...but never hurts to have a mix of both... which if my clone works out i hopefully will..


Well-Known Member
Oh I am so sorry to hear that you too are having problems getting to sleep. I am sure that if my sister was a little more open-minded about using weed and had the DIY attitude of all these fine individuals on this forum, she wouldn't drink as much. Fortunately all I need is a good stiff bowl to bring me up and down... That down is all I need to help me sleep at a reasonable hour. How long have you been having trouble sleeping? If you wanted to go an all herbal route, you could drink chamomile tea and a bowl of something heavy? Then you can also take (or grow and take) valerian root ( It smells like vomit but you will have a damn fine night of sleep afterward!). Celestial Seasonings makes a blend called Sleepy Time Extra which has the Chamomile and the Valerian root. And Roman Chamomile is really easy to grow! It may not help you much but it is worth a try and a lot more healthful than all those pills...