Well-Known Member
ok so i currently i have changed over to a flood and drain, i use rockwool 6inch cubes for the majority of my grow, i do 45 days from seed then transfer, the plants are wonderful but by the time i put them into flower and transfer within 2 days they go from praying to the sun gods to being droopy af and turning purple, i try to exchange the nutrients in the res, im currently at .8 ECs while changed to Flower nutrient regime but there still perking down and im getting rotted roots. i've cleaned the res i have it under 70F i've got a little bit of root excelurator in there and some Drip clean to help keep it sanitary. so far this has happened twice putting my plants into the flowering room. even with my soil grows they would do the exact same thing. i just dont understand, i just added AC unit so i no longer have heat problemoz.. any suggestion fixing this problem? What would you do? i also added a little bit of Cal-Mag to see if it would bounce from that, while remaining under 1.0 EC's
why is it so difficult for me to tell if its a toxicity or a deficiency
why is it so difficult for me to tell if its a toxicity or a deficiency