The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
It is naive to say that Democrats are the same as Republicans.
It's naive to believe Democrats are not beholden to their donors the same as Republicans. That's what's being highlighted when people say both parties are the same; they mean they're both bribed to represent special interests at the expense of their constituents, not that they both hold the same political views

A very easy concept to understand


Well-Known Member
Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made -- putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.

Real reform means establishing a responsible pathway to earned citizenship -- a path that includes passing a background check, paying taxes and a meaningful penalty, learning English, and going to the back of the line behind the folks trying to come here legally.

And real reform means fixing the legal immigration system to cut waiting periods and attract the highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers that will help create jobs and grow our economy.


Well-Known Member
It's naive to believe Democrats are not beholden to their donors the same as Republicans. That's what's being highlighted when people say both parties are the same; they mean they're both bribed to represent special interests at the expense of their constituents, not that they both hold the same political views

A very easy concept to understand
It is naive to say Republicans and Democrats are the same.

I know you can't understand it but there are many examples from last year that prove this.


Well-Known Member
Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made -- putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.

Real reform means establishing a responsible pathway to earned citizenship -- a path that includes passing a background check, paying taxes and a meaningful penalty, learning English, and going to the back of the line behind the folks trying to come here legally.

And real reform means fixing the legal immigration system to cut waiting periods and attract the highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers that will help create jobs and grow our economy.
How does it feel to know you were lied to and yet you still want that useless wall? Did you know that illegal immigrants are quietly and peacefully helping build this economy and paying taxes? They are a net gain to this economy and represent 5% of the workforce. Do you really endorse shrinking the workforce by 5% for no good reason?

Real reform means our educational system produces all the entrepreneurs and engineers that help create jobs. Meanwhile, H-1B visas are stalled by Trump and the GOP.

I'd be so embarrassed if I supported Trump like you do.


Well-Known Member
It's naive to believe Democrats are not beholden to their donors the same as Republicans. That's what's being highlighted when people say both parties are the same; they mean they're both bribed to represent special interests at the expense of their constituents, not that they both hold the same political views

A very easy concept to understand
It's also easy to understand that Trump is a real and present danger and there is a strong primi facial case that he is a traitor based on public knowledge, I'm sure Mueller knows more and so will we all. There is no equivalence, the GOP betrayed the country and constitution period, it's real black and white and the contrast is becoming clearer with everyday that passes and every act of obstruction of justice and every act of sucking the russian's asses. Tribalism and racism is the only reason to support Trump and the republicans at this point, soon it will be seen as treasonous by the majority of Americans and rightly so, because it is..


Well-Known Member
It is naive to say Republicans and Democrats are the same.

I know you can't understand it but there are many examples from last year that prove this.
Why don't you address the criticism that's actually being made?

Democrats and Republicans both accept special interest money to fund their campaigns, this ensures they will represent those special interests at the expense of their constituents who voted them into office.

Do you even agree that this is a problem or do you support it?


Well-Known Member
It's also easy to understand that Trump is a real and present danger and there is a strong primi facial case that he is a traitor based on public knowledge, I'm sure Mueller knows more and so will we all. There is no equivalence, the GOP betrayed the country and constitution period, it's real black and white and the contrast is becoming clearer with everyday that passes and every act of obstruction of justice and every act of sucking the russian's asses. Tribalism and racism is the only reason to support Trump and the republicans at this point, soon it will be seen as treasonous by the majority of Americans and rightly so, because it is..
It's funny how people believe these completely fabricated narratives about Trumps' collusion with Russia when there is zero evidence of this. None, nadda, zip. It's a completely fabricated narrative that was made up the day he took office. SHOW US THE EVIDENCE.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how people believe these completely fabricated narratives about Trumps' collusion with Russia when there is zero evidence of this. None, nadda, zip. It's a completely fabricated narrative that was made up the day he took office. SHOW US THE EVIDENCE.
Somebody else wanna field this one and mention the russian contacts, convictions and indments, oh and Mueller is just getting going. That meeting with the russians in Trump tower is a bit hard to explain away too, they tried several times and got caught several times.

Anybody wanna thump this Trumper?


Well-Known Member
Somebody else wanna field this one and mention the russian contacts, convictions and indments, oh and Mueller is just getting going. That meeting with the russians in Trump tower is a bit hard to explain away too, they tried several times and got caught several times.

Anybody wanna thump this Trumper?
No proof of involvement by Trump in any treasonous activity. As I said, and you failed to prove.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how people believe these completely fabricated narratives about Trumps' collusion with Russia when there is zero evidence of this. None, nadda, zip. It's a completely fabricated narrative that was made up the day he took office. SHOW US THE EVIDENCE.
I'm curious what you would define as 'collusion'

Even an extremely conservative viewpoint would conclude Trump colluded with elements within Russia to help him win


Well-Known Member
The state of the union this post July 4th
No proof of involvement by Trump in any treasonous activity. As I said, and you failed to prove.
Mueller will do the proving and the only reason Don jr and Jared are not behind bars is that everybody knows Trump will abuse his office and pardon them, so Mueller will wait until he does Donald first.


Well-Known Member
It's also easy to understand that Trump is a real and present danger and there is a strong primi facial case that he is a traitor based on public knowledge, I'm sure Mueller knows more and so will we all. There is no equivalence, the GOP betrayed the country and constitution period, it's real black and white and the contrast is becoming clearer with everyday that passes and every act of obstruction of justice and every act of sucking the russian's asses. Tribalism and racism is the only reason to support Trump and the republicans at this point, soon it will be seen as treasonous by the majority of Americans and rightly so, because it is..
Hey, I hope so. Trump and the Republicans are garbage.


Well-Known Member
The state of the union this post July 4th

Mueller will do the proving and the only reason Don jr and Jared are not behind bars is that everybody knows Trump will abuse his office and pardon them, so Mueller will wait until he does Donald first.
Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that.
I guess that's why Donald is doing all the obstruction of justice, why he even confessed to it on national TV, if they have nothing to hide, leave the investigation alone to do their job. The constant stream of whining and bullshit makes Trump look guilty as Hell, cause he is.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you address the criticism that's actually being made?

Democrats and Republicans both accept special interest money to fund their campaigns, this ensures they will represent those special interests at the expense of their constituents who voted them into office.

Do you even agree that this is a problem or do you support it?
What part of what I said don't you understand?

I said, it is naive to say Democrats and Republicans are the same. There is plenty of evidence to support my statement.

You keep talking about "special interest money" as if that in and of itself is proof of corruption. You have made the classic mistake of confusing accepting legal campaign donations with graft.

Let's use Pelosi as an example. She's the recipient of beaucoup bucks this year. Do you know that she's on record for supporting progressive causes 94% of the time? Sanders clocks in at 96%. I mean, are you that sensitive that one or two votes makes such a difference to you?

Pelosi is the leader of the Democratic Caucus Campaign Committee. You know, the same DCCC that stiffed the Colorado guy, Tilleman?

Here is the spending breakdown for the DCCC this year according to FCC filings (<link embedded here)

Grand Total Spent on 2018 Federal Elections: $11,237,553
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte (PAC)
Based on data released daily by the FEC on July 06, 2018.

Independent Expenditures: $11,237,553
Coordinated Expenses: $197,954
Independent Expenditures: $11,237,553
For Democrats: $789,613
Against Democrats: $0
For Republicans: $137,052
Against Republicans: $10,540,157
Electioneering Communications: $0
Communication Costs: $0

Explain please how accepting legal campaign donations equals corruption? Seems to me that the DCCC is going after Republicans HARD. Is that corrupt? Is that what's got you all bothered?

What specific act of corruption are you talking about? Pelosi has virtually the same record as Bernie. Is your belief that Pelosi is corrupt based upon one vote?

Look at that. The DCCC actually spent most of their money for and against actual campaigns instead of lining their own pockets like your much beloved Justice Democrats did. Did you know that 99% of all money raised and spent by Justice went into the "salaries" and consulting fees?

Who are Sander's supporters to cast shade regarding corruption anyway? "Our Revolution" doesn't report it's spending because it is a non-profit LLC so we don't know what they have done. Their results thus far have been deplorable. Justice Democrats, to their credit, report how they are corruptly spending their money -- on themselves, LOL.l
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