nooo!I agree that there has to be other life forms. However, seeing them is another story. Let's face it, we know that even interplanetary travel takes time, getting to another star much less galaxy is at least 1000000x that. Even at the speed of light it would take generations before reaching out closest neighbor galaxy Having said that, if there were aliens, they have truly conquered interstellar space travel and/or found the secrets to time travel. I for one want to meet them.
i fuckin trip like that too when i smoke outside! or even inside sometimes...hahahahaha im always thinking that im gonna get abducted by aliens...loli really dont thik in aliens but some times when i smoke outside at night i tripp on that!
i believe that they exist. i think it would be an awful waste of space dont you? i have seen so many shows about the chupacabra...and im still unsure as to what i may very well be something from another planet...or a hybrid of earthly animal and alien life form. the famous alien autopsy video was proven a was a sculpture done by an artists...but some people are saying that it was a recreation of another authentic i dunno...its very fascinating to say the least...i think that it would be very ignorant of us to think we're the only intelligent life in the universe. im willing to bet that other alien species look at us like we look at and i mean...theres so many stories about abduction...with physical evidence of abduction...its amazing...
It's always fun to blaze under the stars and think about what's out therei really dont thik in aliens but some times when i smoke outside at night i tripp on that!
AGREED. i dream about that all the time. needless to say...when they get here...we're in a world of shit...they're gonna be pissed.They exist and they're paying us a visit real soon.