atheist vs muslim

i think this belongs in spirituality and not politics. you SEEM nice but i cant help to think you are trying to cause divisiveness and are a russian bot of some sort.

america asks that you please stop.
i think this belongs in spirituality and not politics. you SEEM nice but i cant help to think you are trying to cause divisiveness and are a russian bot of some sort.

america asks that you please stop.

nothing really spiritual about that video, I thought the competing views (especially the second half) came across as more of a political act than spiritual, but I could be wrong
“nothing really spiritual about that video, I thought the competing views (especially the second half) came across as more of a political act than spiritual, but I could be wrong”

No your not wrong. But still it’s basically a Muslim versus every other religion at the core of the debate and really quite long winded, well when paying for data it is lol. So yup religion. Besides this section should be called “what the fuck has the Dotard done now” section.
The geezer in the long beard is MrT, used to be a big Stella drinker (beer aka “Wife beater”)
i'm not really big on christianity or the muslim faith, they both have a little too much violence and exclusivity for me.
if you bother to read the bible, or the quran, they're both bloody, unforgiving, out dated, and contradictory to themselves.
not a good source of advice, in either case
nothing really spiritual about that video, I thought the competing views (especially the second half) came across as more of a political act than spiritual, but I could be wrong
The so-called genius religious scholar was full of crap and didn't understand what he was arguing against.

Agree with Mac that one can be atheist and not care about another's religious beliefs.
Lol. Every thread posted in politics is intended to cause “divisiveness” isn’t it?
If we all agreed, if we all had the same needs and objectives, if we all had the same life experiences, politics wouldn't exist.
I knew as soon as he handed the Quran to the brother he was going to get into penis envy

lol ..not to mention Islam's long history in the slave trade out of Africa (still going on today) and zero admittance of it ;)

I just view this as groups of people who don't fully understand they live in a secular society (and all that entails). I'm fine with secular Islam (as I am with other secular religions), I hate those followers that act like they don't live in a secular society and prothletise non-secular views and beliefs. For non-secular Islam you simply hit them with facts written in religious texts, like support for:

Genocide: Sahi Bukhari Volume 5:59:448
Assassination: Qurían 83:13; Abu Dawud #2680; Bukhari 5:59:369-372
Enslavement: Qurían 23:5; 33:50; Bukhari 3:765; 5:512
Rape: Bukhari 5:459; 5:637; 7:137; 7:137
Robbery: Qurían 8:68-69; 59:6; Ibn Hisham pg.424-425; 428
Child sexual abuse: Bukhari 5:58:234; Muslim 3309-3311; Dawud 4915
Greed: Qurían 8:1; Bukhari 4:53:327
Torture: Ibn Hisham pg 515; 980
Mistreatment of women: Qurían 2:223; 4:34; Bukhari 1:6:301; 1:9:493; Muslim 9:3557
Lying: Bukhari 5:59:365; Ibn Hisham pg 519-520
Oath breaking: Bukhari 7:67:427; 9:89:260

When I do that, these types of street preacher 'run for ze hills' :)
I knew as soon as he handed the Quran to the brother he was going to get into penis envy
I could only stand to skim and missed that one. Something he said about how all sorts of explanations for why there are chihuahua and other kinds of dogs was foolish.