Anyone want the craziest trip ever.....shrooms or acis just aint enough?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not necessarily true...but the seeds do vary WIDELY in potency.So it's best to make a tea, if you must try it.Frankly, there are better hallucinogens out there.
(insert pot cliché here);1437054 said:
u cant eat the seeds, they are deathly poisonous!!!!!! if u eat 1 by accident u will trip for days and go into a comma. any more than 1 U WILL DIE


Well-Known Member
Yes...please if any one decides they do want to do this shit be very careful adn drink lots of water and do not do any at all for the first time and slowly move up till you find the right dose guys.
if any one does decide to do this please post and let us know how it was and how much and all that. also there are 2 types one is stratonium or some shit like that and the other is inoxia. i dont know the difference someone please let me know if you do...
like i said im 50/50 on it and im talking 2 sitters and very low dosing...but im 50/50 on that....
there is also other things that are legal and make oyu trip...there is a website that sells it all and i dont know if the links from earlier are this site cause ive been busy adn havent had time to check em but they have san pedro cactus adn salvia for sale so they got some crazy shit
Bouncing Bear Botanicals, Salvia divinorum, Kratom, San Pedro Cactus, Amanita Muscaria


New Member
I read through a lot of the experiences for datura on erowid, and that shit IS CRAZY!!!
Some of those trips amaze me. The most common thing I saw in the trips is ppl not remembering anything for hours at a time afterwards, and ppl talking to other ppl that arent even really there. Some of that sounds downright scary though. I will admit that some parts of trips I saw were kinda funny lol. This kind of stuff still interests me for some reason.

THIS is the trip of a lifetime: Erowid Experience Vaults: Datura - A Tale of Nudity, Arrest & Insanity..... - 17700

"...when the guy suddenly comes to, leaps up, and dashes out the door. (Later on, the guy said that he realized he was in for the trip of his life, so he went to his apartment, locked himself inside, and spent the next two days destroying his place & locked into the worst form of insanity.)..."

That parts funny to me for some reason lol, but no doubt that shit was probably scary to that guy.


Well-Known Member
haha X isnt dangerous at allunless ur stupid and take tons it... im up for this trip i might try it... call me crazy but anything that comes from the ground ill smoke

woot, this is crazy. why would any1 wanna take this shit weed.

to be honest... i havnt done as research on jimson but i can tell it seems more dangerous than X and coke.


Well-Known Member
cow shit...

edit: oh, and X is dangerous, even if u only take 1. to little water u will hydrate. to much water and u will flood. as well as all the other things.


Well-Known Member
x isnt dangerous as long as youa re smart about it but thats the way with any drug. i do have some medical experience and put my body first with all drugs and im constantly measuring my heart beat,pespirations,and other things.
drink water at an adequate rate with some gatorade and you will replenish the electrolytes that will be flushed and will not dehydrate.
with this trip man im not calling oyu crazy. i read all of these trips and people say it sounds like hell...afterwards.when they were going through it they knew none the better ya know. tey wernt freaking out they were tlaking to people who wernt ehre and smoking non existent ciggs. that shit is fun as fuck man i did that on an acid trip once ya know and a dxm trip. i mean all is well if done in the right amounts and with all the right precautions.
xcyraxx-- if you do this i want you to tell me how much you took and how it not a

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
My boss's son ate some of that shit, and he had to be taken to jail. He thought the police were velociraptors that were trying to eat him. Drugs like weed and shrooms aren't really toxic, but jimson weed definitely is. I'd stay away.

Plus, the effects don't peak until a long time after you take it. So a lot of people take some, and then when the effects seem weak, they take more. That's what my boss's son did.


Well-Known Member
Took some many years ago with a bunch of my buddies.We all threw up and I was still in high school.I went home and went nuts on my parents.Lucky for me my dad is strong and fast.They knew I was on something but my parents are cool and didnt turn me in(they would never do that)My dad kept putting me in my room which was not easy and he had to chase me once(Jumped out the window.)Two of my buddies went to the E.R and one to the nut hut for a couple days.DONT ever try it!!!!!!If it was good it would be illegal and hard to find.


Well-Known Member
My boss's son ate some of that shit, and he had to be taken to jail. He thought the police were velociraptors that were trying to eat him. Drugs like weed and shrooms aren't really toxic, but jimson weed definitely is. I'd stay away.

Plus, the effects don't peak until a long time after you take it. So a lot of people take some, and then when the effects seem weak, they take more. That's what my boss's son did.
That is what we did.We took some and was like nothing is happening.Then we made tea and drank a ass load of it.It was not fun not even for a second!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
YEah that seems to be were everyone goes wrong is they dont think they took enough and then bam they are in the looney bin. if i were to do it i would start off making a tea with a normal amount and then taking the tea by small measurments one day out of a week at a time same tea till i find the right amount to trip in a satisfactory way.i would be very experimental about it. most people jsut eat a ton of the shit or make some bomb ass tea and drink a shit ton and then they trip for days...i want to find the amount no matter how small where it would resemble shrooms


Active Member
jimson and datura are both really bad ideas, a good friend of mine did jimson tea and ended up in the hospital slightly insane for a week and brought up a $13,000 hospital bill. stick to acid and boomers theyre safer.


Well-Known Member
I smoke it with some herb. Pleasurable. I havnt yet eaten or made any tea. If you know what herbs to mix, it's good to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Thank you someone does it on a regular kinda and doesnt go crazy...see its possible people are just dumb about it....i think if oyu could find the right amount it could be something worth doing every once in a while. its jsut everyone hears about the bad times and get scared but they dont realize its cause someone was really dumb with it ya know

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
jimsonweed sucks thats why it is legal. it is not stronger than REAL LSD not by a long shot just more poisonous just cause it nearly kills you does not mean it is a better trip LOL. get some mushrooms or mescaline otherwise your just gonna fuck yourself up for no reason


Active Member
I have alot of experience with datura stramonium . None with inoxia but it's a fairly moot point. Belladona (another tropane containing plant) and datura are practically the same as far as alkaloids are concerned. The entire plant varies in potency depending on time of season and day.

This is not a hallucinogen. This is more of a delerient. When using this drug, there is no difference if you've tripped a thousand times on twenty different indole based drugs or not a single time. Datura isn't about "keeping your shit together". If you enter the visionary aspect with this plant you loose the ability to distinguish reality.


Jimsonweed can be used for some euphoric effects (matter of opinion really) in lower doses but attempting to experience the "visionary" effects of datura is about as stupid as trying to empathize with a bag of garbage by jumping into a compacting dumpster. The after effects of Datura are also very disruptive. Typically for about 3 days afterwords I was absolutely unable to focus on anything closer than three feet to my face. Reading/writing/computer work is nearly impossible during that three days. Further, the drying effect ISN'T simple dehydration and the chemical responsible for it is actually used in surgery to stop mucus production of membranes. The drying effect is so fucking bad that a spoon full of peanut butter could be used to commit suicide. Their is absolutley NO saliva produced and that is amazingly uncomfortable.

It's also likely that you'll experience extreme overheating and it's likely you'll take your clothes off in a place where nudity is quite innapropriate. Course you'll be thinking that you are at home in your bathroom. Wandering around naked is quite common with Datura and I've done it myself. Even south american shamans can't keep their shit together on Datura (or brugmansia/angel trumpet which is a common ornamental in the southeast) but when the local town folk see their shaman wandering around naked it's not such a big deal, do that shit in cleveland and see what happens.

I hope the original post isn't more grand ideas inspired by the tripe of Carlos Castenada.


Well-Known Member
yeah i understand and know all of this man i was jsut throwing it out there for other people who are interested in it where they can hear about it.i knew i was gonna get all negative responses thats cool with me but i believe this is still informational and that was my point. ive heard of people doing light doses and making it a decent time jsut feeling good no hallucinations ya know
oh and by the way heyoka you from ohio then?