atheist vs muslim

Your meme is giant and annoying...kind of like my member !


Why does everyone hate every fucking religion... I do not get it

Christianity in itself helps people to be better people. Excluding that weird shit they do in the USA where most hate poor people and Joel Olsteen will tell you jesus is a piggy bank of faith. All of that is not true. Real Christian people actually help other people..what a concept.

Real muslims might actually do the same. I am too busy watching the street for ISIS activity to tell.
Other than the fact that religion historically and currently worldwide is used to control the masses and maintain the status quo? Not to mention the use of religion to justify mass murder, suppression of women, suppression of gay and lesbian people, pedophilia and encourage ignorance? Doesn't matter which religion you are talking about. But some are good people, I guess.

Specifically, evangelists are tops on my "do not invite to dinner" list. Then again, Muslims who are zealots can be every bit as nasty and don't get an invite to my annual wine grape harvest party either.
I'll bring a nice blue cheese wedge and some fresh bread.
It's about a half acre planted in Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Marechal Foch. Last year, 22 people showed up to help bring in about 1500 pounds of grapes/150 gallons of juice. The harvest took about four hours with a lunch break. After the clean up -- big dinner, lots of beer and wine, music and good times. I set up a couple of small tent trailers and a big canopy to house those who can't/shouldn't drive home. The next morning, breakfast with plenty of grape juice, coffee and water to hydrate. Fresh Marechal Foch juice is my fave, tastes like black cherries.

That blue cheese and fresh bread along with vine ripened Concord grapes, so sweet they make your teeth hurt, will be perfect hangover remedy for the crowd in the morning.

Zealots can just stay home take their their stale bread with water.
It's about a half acre planted in Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Marechal Foch. Last year, 22 people showed up to help bring in about 1500 pounds of grapes/150 gallons of juice. The harvest took about four hours with a lunch break. After the clean up -- big dinner, lots of beer and wine, music and good times. I set up a couple of small tent trailers and a big canopy to house those who can't/shouldn't drive home. The next morning, breakfast with plenty of grape juice, coffee and water to hydrate. Fresh Marechal Foch juice is my fave, tastes like black cherries.

That blue cheese and fresh bread along with vine ripened Concord grapes, so sweet they make your teeth hurt, will be perfect hangover remedy for the crowd in the morning.

Zealots can just stay home take their their stale bread with water.
nice! i'm jealous. i've thought about starting a few rows of grapes. we have a nice sloped hill on our property that gets sun all day. would need to deer proof it.

how long do vines take to start to produce grapes? does the variety matter?
As someone who studied history I have to respectfully disagree with the opinions of posters like Uncle Buck (why the 'size' of a genocide is important to you I will never understand and misses the point - especially that a pure Nazis ideology is not as centred around one specific race as you might believe). And asking what atrocities (close to the Holocaust) another empire committed through it's long history is a shame on you ..for obviously never researching it.
Looking up 'historic islamic genocides' perhaps. You could also look up the 1000 years of slavery and genocide in North Africa (since the Islamic invasions there) committed against indigenous Africans. I'm not pointing fingers though, all those empires were obviously bad through our eyes.

As is, I have to agree with others. And so bow out as this really is a highjacked thread (sorry), any further discourse people wish to have can be taken up privately.


Nazi ideology isent centred arround "Arian race"? N do you mean that Muslimes was the first that made slaves? Any slavery before? What History did you study?
why did you keep this one to yourself for so long?


isis neighborhood beheading map:


guess your safe for now..

Are you saying that Muslims = Isis?
You have no idea. Muslims are the mayority víctims of Isis.
With your way of think I can say that USA white people=Ku Kux Klan...

Btw, dont play the terrorist game callin they Isis: call them Daesh (they hate it)...

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nice! i'm jealous. i've thought about starting a few rows of grapes. we have a nice sloped hill on our property that gets sun all day. would need to deer proof it.

how long do vines take to start to produce grapes? does the variety matter?
It takes about three years for them to give you the first harvest. I'd look for disease resistant European-American hybrids. My European vines (pinot noir, pinot gris and chardonnay) require weekly spraying between beginning of May through mid August or no harvest. All that goes away with the one hybrid in my vineyard, the Marechal Foch. If you do plant European varieties, make sure that they are grafted onto phylloxera- resistant root stock. It ups the price but you can lose the whole yard if it gets into the native European roots. There is no remedy once it gets established. European vines have no resistance to powdery mildew which is why I have to spray. Organic certified sprays are best for home growers because the so-called conventional sprays require weeks to a month before re-entry into the vineyard.

I have 40 Foch vines produce about 80 gallons of wine. I find they make a very good wine, nice juice and very productive. I don't have experience with other varieties but can recommend them. Powery mildew and phyloxxera resistance means you just prune in the spring and harvest in the fall. A good wine shop should have Marechal Foch wine in stock if you are curious about what it's like.
It's about a half acre planted in Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Marechal Foch. Last year, 22 people showed up to help bring in about 1500 pounds of grapes/150 gallons of juice. The harvest took about four hours with a lunch break. After the clean up -- big dinner, lots of beer and wine, music and good times. I set up a couple of small tent trailers and a big canopy to house those who can't/shouldn't drive home. The next morning, breakfast with plenty of grape juice, coffee and water to hydrate. Fresh Marechal Foch juice is my fave, tastes like black cherries.

That blue cheese and fresh bread along with vine ripened Concord grapes, so sweet they make your teeth hurt, will be perfect hangover remedy for the crowd in the morning.

Zealots can just stay home take their their stale bread with water.
Jesus drank wine, don't see how they could object to making jesus's favorite drink
More pics from Spanish "illegals" voluntiers, Muslimes, Catholics n Atheist (Republicans, Socialists n Communists) helping Kurdos (Muslimes & Cristians) to fight together against DAESH terror in Syria & Irak.
DAESH offers a lot of money "for their heads"; they only can wait being decapited or being burned alive if DAESH caught then :


...but they have " more bollocks (or ovaries) than a wild bull", as we uses to say...
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So it is not about "Atheist vs Religión". It is about Good People against Terrorism.

you should ask OP what he had in mind when he started this thread..this is a political forum. if he wished a spiritual debate he should've and could've gone there- but he didn't.

i'm atheist and we have zero be-headings to date.
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More pics from Spanish "illegals" voluntiers, Muslimes, Catholics n Atheist (Republicans, Socialists n Communists) helping Kurdos (Muslimes & Cristians) to fight together against DAESH terror in Syria & Irak.
DAESH offers a lot of money "for their heads"; they only can wait being decapited or being burned alive if DAESH caught then :

View attachment 4180234

...but they have " more bollocks (or ovaries) than a wild bull", as we uses to say...

think your buddies would be interested in a target?..1600 Pennsylvania Ave?
you should ask OP what he had in mind when he started this thread..this is a political forum. if he wished a spiritual debate he should've and could've gone there- but he didn't.

i'm atheist and we have zero be-headings to date.

I was not talking with anybody but you n your
post were you are playing the same game of DAESH n that DAESH wants all we play.

why did you keep this one to yourself for so long?


isis neighborhood beheading map:


guess your safe for now..
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think your buddies would be interested in a target?..1600 Pennsylvania Ave?

My buddies are fighting against the problem that USA goberment given to world letting n allowin to DAESH to born n grows in Irak...
I think it is enought, no?
About the "problems" in your own territory...resolve it by yourself.
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do you source your vines locally? or are there online vine sellers? if so, got any to recommend?
My vineyard was already established before I bought the place. So I haven't had to do much more than maintain it.

Vines can be purchased online but it's better to find a local source. In which state do you live? You might want to check for cold hardiness depending on where you live. If you have local vineyards that offer wine tasting, perhaps you could get to know them and ask if you could take cuttings when they are pruning in the late winter. I've had offers, I just don't have the need though. It's not hard to root cuttings. I have thought of tearing out the European varieties and replacing them with hybrids for the sake of eliminating the need for spraying.

If you are going to plant a standard European variety then strongly recommend you to buy vines grafted onto disease resistant root stock. These can be had from a nursery or from online. I don't know much about this. Choosing root stock is a whole 'nother ball game. I'd contact your local ag extension to learn about your choices.

Some states like mine don't allow rooted vines to be shipped from other states. Other states do. Your local Ag extension college is a good source for information. There are winemaking forums where you can get more information too.

This is a good source for cuttings of older varieties:
The northern states have some interesting new varieties developed for their regions if you live in those areas.
In which state do you live? You might want to check for cold hardiness depending on where you live
in Colorado at almost 9000 ft. so cold hardiness and high altitude would be good traits.

the vineyards in CO are mostly on the west side: Palisade area. and they are more like high desert than higher alpine here.

i'll do some checking though. would be cool to try out a few and see how they do. thanks for the info.
in Colorado at almost 9000 ft. so cold hardiness and high altitude would be good traits.

the vineyards in CO are mostly on the west side: Palisade area. and they are more like high desert than higher alpine here.

i'll do some checking though. would be cool to try out a few and see how they do. thanks for the info.
Here is one guy's story about his home vineyard near Los Alamos at 6400 ft.

edit: link attached:
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