America Is a Failed State

Its the context of the comment that matters to me, not the content.

We have today a government that commits vile acts and vile people support those acts. They show up in this forum and try to argue in support of those acts. Such as, incarcerating legal asylum seekers at the border and separating children from their parents in the process. The stated aim of my government for doing harm to children is to deter others.

If somebody wants to defend that, I think that "eat my poop" is a reasonable response. I don't say that but I get that within the context of the subject a reply like "eat my poop" is a whole lot less vile than supporting Trump's policy of child separation at the border for asyum seekers.
Go to the first page. All you gotta do is read the first 2 comments...
No, that was an appropriate reply to a serial propagandist.
Lol wow. If you really think "eat my poop" is an appropriate reply then you are about as dumb as Trump. It's hilarious. I don't even like Trump, but you guys call him retarded and childish, but then say eat my poop is an appropriate response. Whatever dude...

This article is full of links to supporting evidence for each assertion it makes supporting the central thesis that America is a Failed State, no longer responsive to the well being, needs or desires of the vast majority of its Citizens and wildly, murderously out of control in terms of its behavior on the international stage.

While I might have a few quibbles with one or two of the underlying documents or assertions made, in general I completely agree with the article's main conclusions.

The United States has failed; it has failed its allies, its neighbors, its citizens, the environment and its future.

When something cannot go on indefinitely, it won't. Will we be able to arrest and reverse these trends or are we as a nation doomed?

I think it's possible. I think it is by no means certain. We're a long ways behind the 8-ball by now and we're going to need to run the table if we want to win. Winning means nothing less than a secure future not only for ourselves but for our children and their children. Those who think they can utilize their connections, power or wealth to avoid the consequences of this failure are on a fool's errand; we're all in this together and none of us can survive on our own.

I'm absolutely confident that those who seek to gain advantage by sowing hatred and division make that very recovery far less certain and more difficult to achieve. Such people aren't likely to respond to reason, so they must instead be held accountable and ostracized.

@UncleBuck, I'm talking to you, among others here. The choice is yours. While I think your underlying motives are mostly positive, your tactics stand in diametric opposition to their advancement. I certainly understand your frustrations, yet your hostility and willingness to stoop to any expedient to silence or drive others away is backfiring and only strengthens and legitimizes the very extremism of those you oppose. You'll never get anything built if you spend all your time knocking things and people down.

It's time to stop hating and start building bridges of consensus, issue by issue, coalition by coalition- or all will be lost. Gaming, blaming and shaming won't do it. Only genuine dialogue with those on the other side of the many issues dividing our people stands any realistic chance of abetting the coming disaster. That takes patience, compassion and lots of self control.

Such societal collapse has happened before many times. One needs only to consult the history books to see it played out over and over. The consequences have been dire each time. Will we- can we- beat the odds? Time will tell.

I think your words are falling on deaf ears... They wont stop the hate and name calling its all they know.
Dem or rep makes no difference to me its about the lesser of 2 evils and the more they call us names and push the people they want with hate the more likely we will see another 4 years of trump in 2020.
I was telling him how to farm likes and you make this comment.

Do you have anything between your ears at all? I could give a fuck less honestly.. if you read anything in this thread at all youd see I'm looking for a dem to replace trump smart guy
Yea dude, I realized anyone who disagrees with these people is a "trumptard" according to them. Even if you don't like Trump. They just regurgitate the bullshit they have been told to... God forbid someone think for themselves.
@Fogdog thank you. You don't even have to admit you were wrong. Your silence says more than words ever could...

Are you on mefff or something? I'm not here for you. I'll reply on my own time, Starbucks.

Just read some of tty's posts and you'll begin to understand that "eat my poop" is completely in line with tty's moronic and insulting line of posts. I don't engage in that level of discourse but can read and relevance of "eat my poop" to any of tty's posts. This isn't a kiddie pool Neither Buck or tty are crossing the line in this forum.

Are you on mefff or something? I'm not here for you. I'll reply on my own time, Starbucks.

Just read some of tty's posts and you'll begin to understand that "eat my poop" is completely in line with tty's moronic and insulting line of posts. I don't engage in that level of discourse but can read and relevance of "eat my poop" to any of tty's posts. This isn't a kiddie pool Neither Buck or tty are crossing the line in this forum.
Yea, it's a kiddie pool... If you say"eat my poop" it's a kiddie pool. I am an adult, and I can't think of any instance where I would tell someone to eat my poop. Maybe someday you will mature, just give it time....
Yea, it's a kiddie pool... If you say"eat my poop" it's a kiddie pool. I am an adult, and I can't think of any instance where I would tell someone to eat my poop. Maybe someday you will mature, just give it time....
I don't use those terms but am not interested in playing the kind of ineffective and impotent role you are trying to play. This is a relatively free and open forum. Personally, I enjoy the freedom to express one's self which means some people pushing the limits. I'm completely OK with you leaving and not coming back if you don't like it.
I don't use those terms but am not interested in playing the kind of ineffective and impotent role you are trying to play. This is a relatively free and open forum. Personally, I enjoy the freedom to express one's self which means some people pushing the limits. I'm completely OK with you leaving and not coming back if you don't like it.
Yeah, it sucks when you are proven wrong doesn't it? Just admit you're a fucking immature child. Just look at yourself... You're actually defending someone who used the phrase "eat my poop." My kids grew out of that when they were 4 years old... And btw, that is not pushing the limits. If you think it is, then I suggest you get out more...
Yeah, it sucks when you are proven wrong doesn't it? Just admit you're a fucking immature child. Just look at yourself... You're actually defending someone who used the phrase "eat my poop." My kids grew out of that when they were 4 years old... And btw, that is not pushing the limits. If you think it is, then I suggest you get out more...
I enjoy the free and open discourse. You don't. You are arguing over a matter of opinion to which there is no right answer yet claim yours is the only correct one. I not a fucking authoritarian who demands others conform to my sensibilities.

Is it immature to accept the fact that others use language and words that I don't? As I said earlier, I find serial propagandists and right wing actions by our government to be offensive. You get apoplectic over the word "poop". LOL. Get a clue Miss Manners.
Hey buddy, yep I'm relatively new. I don't want to argue with you. I was just saying what I heard. If people are polite to me, I am polite back. So I hope we can be civilized and not start slinging insults at each other. From what I have seen from you, you have strong beliefs. I just feel you go about it the wrong way sometimes. It drives people away and further entrenches them in their own beliefs.
Eat my poop, sock
The economy would collapse without illegal immigrants

How’s your felony narcotic manufacture going, illegal?