America Is a Failed State

Oh now, don't be crabby. I'm just giving you a platform to tell us all about all the many things that have gone wrong for you that weren't your fault.

You mean 2 things I told you that you misconstrue and lie about constantly.

You are so freaking boring and wrong.
You're a fucking moron. You don't have a choice. The 2 party system is a joke . You have owners. They own you. The 2 party system is a facade. You have no choice. They shuffle a few people around every 4 years. You have no rights. You have temporary privileges that the government can take away at any time. You have been duped, moron...
I gotta leave for a little bit, but this thread is fucking hilarious so I will be back. Oh, and btw, I could swallow a seed and shit out a better plant than Uncle Buck lol
Truth be told capitalism is waning...Every other civilization has had the same problem

Lock in the retirement in gold blocks. Real gold not paper.
Good one... So you DO write your own jokes?
It wasn't a joke. I'm just saying that it's naive to claim that Republicans and Democrats are the same. In fact, there are very few areas where their policies overlap. Pick 'em.

The environment
Social equality
Civil rights
Financial regulations
Labor laws
How to stimulate growth of good jobs
Water quality
Women's reproductive rights
many others.

National defense is one area where I see too much agreement and I mostly disagree with both. But most areas there is quite a bit of difference. To say that the country would be the same regardless of who won the 2016 elections in Congress and the White House would be an outright lie.
Maybe you should look it up... the important part is the DATE. sometimes people are confuse timelines... numbers r hard...

So you're saying a state can go from open minded to closed minded and without listening to any of the people she represents she magically deduced that we aren't for homosexuality? Great logic. That last time that happened was in nazi Germany. Which is exactly what trump is doing to us all. Hes using the same tactics Hitler did. All the shit he use to do shocked us all in the beginning, but now hes done it so much it's just the norm. So people like you think it's okay to not hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. Including but not limited to ignoring the concerns of the people from their own district.