Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Well I took some bigg steps in the last Three days mget if there is a joke that will be made or whatever n I’m fine with that that’s Kina why this thread is so awsome I’m not sure how to say it so I will just say it I know I will probly losemsome friends but I gotta do what is right for me I’m transgendered I told mum the other day dident go we’ll I asked her not to say anything yet to anyone and she betrayed that I’m gutted at that going down to th drs today to get referral to therapist I need to figure this shit out
That takes a lot of balls to say that, good on ya mate... you have to be true to yourself... I hope it works out for you... wait you ain’t joking like ruby was about leaving RIU

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Good to see you sorted out a bit of clarity for the minute ruby. Last few pages have been a whirlwind. Then gigs dropped a bombshell and said he’s an attack helicopter. All the while coco was dropping little supportive nuggets of encouragement. Strange days indeed
Very strange
I think we would be a gd crew getting together


Well-Known Member
I'd clean it up a bit.

Its a good idea to take photos with a diff light on. Its really hard to see what's going on under HPS or Blurples.
I'm going to get a normal light in there just before lights on tonight, if it's close to lights on time it shouldn't worry the to much should it? I think my nute mix was a bit strong it was 1.8 pushing 1.9 ec