how would we know really? they could be releasing things slowly to fund projects, setting up "inventors" to explain where things came from. IF they have any alien tech, they're probably having trouble figuring it all out, so they can only release the simple things so far, like velcro and low temperature super conductors. because they can't figure out much more than the alien refrigerator....
how would we know really? they could be releasing things slowly to fund projects, setting up "inventors" to explain where things came from. IF they have any alien tech, they're probably having trouble figuring it all out, so they can only release the simple things so far, like velcro and low temperature super conductors. because they can't figure out much more than the alien refrigerator....
Possible but since nothing in our technological library can't be traced back to something else (Connections with James Burke was excellent in this regard), I'm not really buying it.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

If we suddenly started hearing about faster than light travel or instant communications I might think differently.

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'.

We've had electricity based tech for less than 150 years. If aliens had it for even 10,000 years, don't you think they'd have had time to come up with sexier shit than smartphones and Blu-ray players?

It's hard to think about what might be known that we don't know we don't know. What I do know is that outside of the transporter and warp drive, we pretty much already have the tech that dazzled us in Star Trek.
fiber optics, night vision, infrared, alloys, carbon fiber, lasers all reverse engineering .....velcro is just a glorified plastic zipper. Kevlar is a nice human invention too.
Fiber optics is no more exotic than shining a flashlight edge-on at your glass top coffee table.

Night vision is a light amplifier circuit in the camera, basically an extreme version of the brightness knob.

Humans have been making alloys for as long as we've been smelting metals; we find it difficult to make anything that isn't!

Lasers are a clear progression from optics and observation of natural phenomena; did you know that the atmosphere of Mars exhibits lasing effects? They just aren't focused or directed.

You've just betrayed how much you don't know and how overly willing you are to fill in the blanks with gobbledegook and fuzzy navel thinking.

Go away before you pollute the sincere with your drivel.
yeah, but don't forget, most life as we would recognize it would require stored food, and a place to get rid of wastes, so a good part of any ship is going to be wiring conduits, air ducts, refrigeration (or statis), plumbing and restrooms, laundry facilities....lots of mundane thigs that could still be considered vast improvements on what we have now. stasis in particular would change the world. food lasting until someone actually needs it ......medical supplies that don't expire, volatile chemicals and radiation stored safely
yeah, but don't forget, most life as we would recognize it would require stored food, and a place to get rid of wastes, so a good part of any ship is going to be wiring conduits, air ducts, refrigeration (or statis), plumbing and restrooms, laundry facilities....lots of mundane thigs that could still be considered vast improvements on what we have now. stasis in particular would change the world. food lasting until someone actually needs it ......medical supplies that don't expire, volatile chemicals and radiation stored safely
NASA is working on growing food during long duration trips, using tech we on this site would find strangely familiar...

Your assumptions lie on the uncertain ground that said aliens are biological constructions like ourselves. There's no guarantee of that.

Another possibility is that if faster than light communications were a tech they'd mastered, it's likely their ships would all be drones using telepresence. Among other useful features, there would be no need for them to travel fast, carry food, include crew spaces or life support or limit maneuverability to rates their bodies could withstand. They would also be disposable without loss of life.

Particles that travel faster than light are already known to science; they're called tachyons.
I thought you said Shitty YouTube videos have no credibility. Isn't this the guy who said the earth is pear shaped? Isn't that a huge contradiction of the blue marble earth taken from space by the NASA Apollo missions? Dumb ass Globetards.

The genius who mocks Neil Degrasse Tyson.

Who's next, Einstein?
Let's talk about invisibility..

Does alien technology simply cloak and appear invisible to human vision ?

..or does it actually transport to another location ?

Or is some capable of doing both, and what would be some of the possible applications of this technology ?
they're actually fairly close to "light camo" suits, that can mimic the background.
there is research being done on light bending tech, but at present all they can do is make things a big blur, not really disappearing.
teleportation is still at the theoretical level. they say they can teleport a photon of light from earth to a satellite in orbit.
kind of impressive, but one photon is a long way from a plant, much less a person.

as far as alien tech, who knows? i personally still don't believe they bother with us, we're a speck on the corner of the map, and anything we're doing has to have been done thousand, if not millions of times before.
they say they can teleport a photon of light from earth to a satellite in orbit.
kind of impressive, but one photon is a long way from a plant, much less a person.

as far as alien tech, who knows? i personally still don't believe they bother with us, we're a speck on the corner of the map, and anything we're doing has to have been done thousand, if not millions of times before.

K...maybe partially offtopic...but
That would mean Montauk Project never happend or were just plain bullshit.
If half of it is right they sent people through a portal to somewhere else in time and space. Thats teleportation for me.
The Technology would kill entire Industries Bro. Who wants to feed all those workless people from the transportation buisnesses?

But montauk was the best translation for the oldest pyramides for me. They found out that in those single Blocks of the pyramides are pieces from different sources of egypt. Different kinds of rock from different places in egypt present in one Block?
And its too much air in the testing material for natural rock.
Yep. Thats what we use for pouring concrete today.
Imagine they sent back a workless todays engineer for buildings.
Imagine they lost him.
They claim such açtion for the early stages of the Project.
There you have teleportation and the reason why the oldest pyramids were better than the following ones.
Thats unnatural.
And the Solution how they transported the Blocks....
They just dont.had a need to move them by using modern concrete pouring techniques.

But as long as they can sell us oil, gas, whatever, there will be no teleportation no clean energy no food and clean water for every human.

Man we could run the entire world on waterpower.
But they want to sell oil.
They old addictions power and money rule the world still.
Because we are too lazy to stand up and change it.

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Btw. I guess scientists today not even scratched the surface of the work of Wilhelm Reich, Nikola Tesla or Victor Schauberger + others. Who wants to pay for that? If it will not generate profit $$$$ nobody will care about it.
Beware of Alientechnology.
Who wants free energy? Not Trump & Co.!

Montauk....if happened would teach us also that a advanced species wouldnt need any technology they can manifest what they need.

Thats why they dont need invisibillity.
They just manifest in your brain that you dont see them. Or you see but dont pay attention to it.
Psy, mindcontrol is a mighty weapon/power. Remember desert storm '91?
And its just a very small difference in the brains anatomie or function that makes a small percentage of people different.
Some would say supernatural.
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the montauk project is complete and total fantasy.....just forget that shit. if the government ever had such tech, they wouldn't be giving it up, they'd be using it to alter the past, and the united states would rule the earth....of course, when they change the past, it becomes history for us, so how would we ever even suspect?
the montauk project is complete and total fantasy.....just forget that shit. if the government ever had such tech, they wouldn't be giving it up, they'd be using it to alter the past, and the united states would rule the earth....of course, when they change the past, it becomes history for us, so how would we ever even suspect?
Maybe they just found more importent to do than that.
I am pretty sure that the world leaders are united to rule the world.
All the show like terror and war is just entertainment to keep our eyes blind for the importent stuff...
Like moonbases marsbases mining rights sold for the moon.
Who should pay for mining rhits on the moon if there are no mines?
Do you think all that billions for spaceprograms all over the world brought nothing.more than a man on the moon more than half a century ago?
Thousands of billions just for a satelite station orbitting the planet.
Ahhh come on.
Or for a boys toy like the marsrover.
Good one is they payd billions for that rover and the rovers camera is more shitty than a phones cam?
Come on.
I ask myself what they want to NOT be
About a couple of days prior to the premiere of steam trains a well known scientist still claimed steam trains are total fantasy.because he could show by mathematics and biology that its impossible for a human being to travel faster than 30km/h.
Because it woulld press all air out of the lungs and you were unable to breath.
I also remember a guy telling columbus he would fall over the rim of the flat earth if he would seek for America.

I learned one thing in my 45 years on Terra.... there are things between heaven and earth that are realy strange Bro.
This is interesting. Another read is the Fermi paradox. It explains why we haven't had "first contact" ect.

I have always thought that if our senses are based on evolution guided buy our sun (wave length, atomic make-up, radio active isotope mutation, ect) we might not be able to ever sense the existence of beings from outside our solar system, possibly vise-versa.

There are also theories explaining why "they" may be multi other demential as well.