Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

Wow, from your comment one would thing that color based racism in the US and white indignities against black and brown people is just a sore spot on liberal psyches.

Jon Stewart said it best here. The whole clip is great but most of it covers events from four years ago. Beginning at 8:00 and ending at 10:25, his timeless statements about white indignities towards people of color address why the "monkey" comment is so saddening.

I get it, Trump has dragged this country into the gutter where it's now OK for politicians to dust off race baiting as a political tactic. I'm sometimes surprised when some people who seemed rational fall for it.
i'm white. i grew up in a predominately white area. we had a couple of mexican families, and i got along fine with them, was actually a little jealous that they spoke spanish and english, when i was having trouble just mastering english.
i've never felt particularly prejudiced. maybe i am, and tell myself i'm not to make myself feel better....stranger things have happened.
i've never been in conrol of anything bigger than a 5 person prep kitchen, had 4 cubans working for me, they did great jobs, showed up for work on time, were fun to work with.....and i saw that they got paid well.
i try to be a decent person in real life. philosophizing on a web page is one thing, how you behave in real life is another.
i do not feel guilty about slavery, i do not feel guilty about the white man keeping minorities down. i'm one of the minorities. i don't fit in a board room, a meeting room, or a church pew. that makes me "white trash"...i get none of the power, and am still supposed to feel all the guilt? no thnx.
I've never heard that phrase before. Ever.

I have heard:
  • acting like a bunch of monkeys (the mental image is the monkey cage at the zoo where everything is chaotic and loud)
  • monkeying around (same as above - just generally a chaotic, disorganized mess)
I've never heard "monkey this up" until this guy said it.

IT! Not THIS. To monkey something up is to "mess up". I called my 95 yo grand mother she said it was a term mostly used by or against mechanics. Hence grease monkey. "Hey grease monkey, remember don't monkey up my car any more than need be!"
i've never been in conrol of anything bigger than a 5 person prep kitchen, had 4 cubans working for me, they did great jobs, showed up for work on time, were fun to work with.

When I was working with Holder Engineering, we built the Gwinnett Arena (aka Infinite Energy Center).

While I'm out there with an HP32 and a gunman, the Mexicans show up at about 6:00am. They hurl 3 or 4 pieces of 1 inch re-bar over their shoulder and off they go. Those guys will work your ass into the dirt and whistle while they do it.

People bitch about immigrants "taking their jobs".

Bullshit. They're not fucking man enough to do the jobs the Mexicans do. I know full well I'm not. Those guys work rings around EVERYBODY.

Needless to say, Friday was "pony up day" for the white boys. The engineers and foremen always bought a couple cases of Budweiser on ice and 10 large pizzas for them every Friday. It wasn't much, but I think they appreciated it.

Not the beer and pizza so much as the respect.
“Monkey around” for one denotes chaos. I took it as mess it up when I heard the entirety of the interview.

I’m on the outside looking in. I’m in Canada. The so called racists (all conservatives) from my point of view are the only ones not using race as a focal point for the argument. The left are using identity politics by accusing everyone else of being racists. And those who follow are dim witted enough to be placed in the perspective boxes and used for the lefts intended purposes.
Who has been mislabeled as a racist?
IT! Not THIS. To monkey something up is to "mess up". I called my 95 yo grand mother she said it was a term mostly used by or against mechanics. Hence grease monkey. "Hey grease monkey, remember don't monkey up my car any more than need be!"
If monkey it up is a common term then show me examples of people using it.

I’ll wait, nazi buddha
When I was working with Holder Engineering, we built the Gwinnett Arena (aka Infinite Energy Center).

While I'm out there with an HP32 and a gunman, the Mexicans show up at about 6:00am. They hurl 3 or 4 pieces of 1 inch re-bar over their shoulder and off they go. Those guys will work your ass into the dirt and whistle while they do it.

People bitch about immigrants "taking their jobs".

Bullshit. They're not fucking man enough to do the jobs the Mexicans do. I know full well I'm not. Those guys work rings around EVERYBODY.

Needless to say, Friday was "pony up day" for the white boys. The engineers and foremen always bought a couple cases of Budweiser on ice and 10 large pizzas for them every Friday. It wasn't much, but I think they appreciated it.

Not the beer and pizza so much as the respect.
I worked residential construction with a guy from Mazatlan. A character, about five foot tall, two fifty, but limber and a real joker. He'd wait until the contractor was near by, detach his airhose just enough to turn on the air compressor, then start in with his hammer, banging away at nothing on the subfloor directly above the contractor's head while he was trying to talk to another sub, or on the phone. I have to admit it was pretty funny, chuckling now thinking about it. He worked hard, but felt under paid, and I often think he was bored mentally with the work.
nope, never heard this in normal discussions.

fucked up
moused up

Never heard monkey up used in the context of your description of the word in normal discussions.

appropriator, otherwise known as "right wing congressman" is in the dictionary too. Never heard it used in normal discussions either.

If I were to use appropriator in a sentence, people would reasonably conclude I was a sesquipedalian.

If a person were to use monkey up in a sentence about the actions of a black man, people would reasonably conclude they were racist.
nope, never heard this in normal discussions.

fucked up
moused up

Never heard monkey up used in the context of your description of the word in normal discussions.

appropriator, otherwise known as "right wing congressman" is in the dictionary too. Never heard it used in normal discussions either.

If I were to use appropriator in a sentence, people would reasonably conclude I was a sesquipedalian.

If a person were to use monkey up in a sentence about the actions of a black man, people would reasonably conclude they were racist.

So when my boss called me a cable monkey they were racist? The term is stupid and rarely used outside certain professions that doesn't automatically make it magically racist, snowflake.

But he did his job and triggered you guys profusely.
So when my boss called me a cable monkey they were racist? The term is stupid and rarely used outside certain professions that doesn't automatically make it magically racist, snowflake.

But he did his job and triggered you guys profusely.
Why are you defending a trumptards obvious racism, nazi Buddha?
nope, never heard this in normal discussions.

fucked up
moused up

Never heard monkey up used in the context of your description of the word in normal discussions.

appropriator, otherwise known as "right wing congressman" is in the dictionary too. Never heard it used in normal discussions either.

If I were to use appropriator in a sentence, people would reasonably conclude I was a sesquipedalian.

If a person were to use monkey up in a sentence about the actions of a black man, people would reasonably conclude they were racist.

i actually agree, it's an odd term, and while it may exist prior to this, it is not in general use. the person that used it is in a position of authority, and people in positions of authority have a responsibility to think before they speak. he did not meet that responsibility.
he said an insensitive, racist thing, and should have considered what he was saying, and the situation he was saying it in. he obviously did not.
Why are you defending a trumptards obvious racism, nazi Buddha?

I defend against losers like you who are part of the lumpen bourgeois and cry moral faux outrage over silly words. If those like you had their way we'd have no words left to communicate with and have to screech like monkies flinging poo at each other.
I defend against losers like you who are part of the lumpen bourgeois and cry moral faux outrage over silly words. If those like you had their way we'd have no words left to communicate with and have to screech like monkies flinging poo at each other.
Those “silly words” were a racist stab

Why do you support racism?
So when my boss called me a cable monkey they were racist? The term is stupid and rarely used outside certain professions that doesn't automatically make it magically racist, snowflake.

But he did his job and triggered you guys profusely.
we aren't talking about your job. derp

"Changing the subject after fogdog owned you" would be the best way to categorize your response.
Those “silly words” were a racist stab

Why do you support racism?

Why don't you grow thick skin and stop the faux moral outrage no one besides other children like you espouse?

My fellow Asian Buddhists were treated like shit and expendable pieces of equipment whose only purpose was doing laundry and railroad fodder. But we rose like the Phoenix from the abused literal ashes our ancestors had to endure. Instead of becoming crying whining bitches like you do, we're rich business owners, consultants, and computer science entrepreneurs.

So yes, you're all a bunch of silly pantywaist losers that complain about words than actual real atrocities you faux socialist statist capitalists try to convince the washed mindless masses of.