Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

Hands up, don't shoot was predicated on a lie. A lie proven false in court. Even Eric Holder and Former Pres. Obama couldn't make it real.

This lie also infected young minds, manifesting into an ugly movement called "black lives matter," Which believes that some "rich white prejudice boogie man" is a real thing and that "white privilege" exists. Or that hate groups like the KKK, The German American Bund, or the unorganized "neo-nazis" have some legitimate opinion or power in the US.

Bless you all.
So your saying Americans of color are treated the same as whites BS
I am the perfect example , I get let off dozens of times that I have seen men of color imprisoned for
You must live in a bubble
What you are doing is falling for or employing the old debating trick called the red-herring logical fallacy that many people, left and right fall f
Wow, a list of falsehoods in that statement.

Black people, especially young men are being killed for no good reason by cops.
Memberships in the KKK, and other hate groups are growing and white supremacists finally have a president who supports their agenda. He even quotes from their websites.
White privilege does exist.
Cops have tremendous power to decide when to kill and the laws explicitly protect them when in exactly the same situation a civilian would be convicted.

You can deny facts all you like. The facts will remain even when you are gone.

If you wish to ask me to back up my list of claims with citations, please, you go first.

Oh bullshit! Cops are all races and backgrounds. Judges are all races and backgrounds. Legislators are all races and backgrounds. The prisons are full of all sorts of races and backgrounds. The colleges are full of all races and backgrounds. Trump hires everyone from every race and background at his businesses and in his cabinet.

You gotta leave the US to see true popular supported racism. Like say, in the middle east or south America. Both places you have probably never been.

Put the pipe down. I am outta here. Peace Bro.
Oh bullshit! Cops are all races and backgrounds. Judges are all races and backgrounds. Legislators are all races and backgrounds. The prisons are full of all sorts of races and backgrounds. The colleges are full of all races and backgrounds. Trump hires everyone from every race and background at his businesses and in his cabinet.

You gotta leave the US to see true popular supported racism. Like say, in the middle east or south America. Both places you have probably never been.

Put the pipe down. I am outta here. Peace Bro.
How many Black people work in the Whitehouse?
Bye Bye
Oh bullshit! Cops are all races and backgrounds. Judges are all races and backgrounds. Legislators are all races and backgrounds. The prisons are full of all sorts of races and backgrounds. The colleges are full of all races and backgrounds. Trump hires everyone from every race and background at his businesses and in his cabinet.

You gotta leave the US to see true popular supported racism. Like say, in the middle east or south America. Both places you have probably never been.

Put the pipe down. I am outta here. Peace Bro.
You are fabricating or repeating a lie of colorblind America that only exists in the minds of white people who don't experience racism.
Sucked at football and now sells shoes.

Hands up, don't shoot was predicated on a lie. A lie proven false in court. Even Eric Holder and Former Pres. Obama couldn't make it real.

This lie also infected young minds, manifesting into an ugly movement called "black lives matter," Which believes that some "rich white prejudice boogie man" is a real thing and that "white privilege" exists. Or that hate groups like the KKK, The German American Bund, or the unorganized "neo-nazis" have some legitimate opinion or power in the US.

Bless you all.
Along with early indoctrination of our children has fueled a firestorm of blind hate.
My parents were the hippy types. Like lived in communes off the coast of Washington hippy types. They told me all about the "radical movement" that started in ultra liberal places like CA and NY. Most of the "leaders" were already convicted violent offenders, woman abusing felons, child molesters, or illegal immigrants. The rest there University rejects. These are the facts people. I have done the research for myself.

The liberal agenda has turned on its head, insisting that if you are a certain color you should feel bad for something that someone else has done.

I am white. I am proud of it. Just as any other person is proud of their heritage and background.

If you think being white has saved my ass from a difficult life, given me all that I asked for, and gave me some special ability to be better than another, you are a true fool with a very narrow concept of life.

You all believe this for popularity, not because it is your conviction. You wouldn't die for it.


"Content of character" ahhhhaaaahaaaahhhaaaaaaahaahaha

After a year and a half, the pace of corruption scandals in Trump's Whitehouse is so high that the number Trump's administration's corruption scandals are set to eclipse that of Nixon.

Boo! Take a look at every other president's cabinet, nothing new.
My parents were the hippy types. Like lived in communes off the coast of Washington hippy types. They told me all about the "radical movement" that started in ultra liberal places like CA and NY. Most of the "leaders" were already convicted violent offenders, woman abusing felons, child molesters, or illegal immigrants. The rest there University rejects. These are the facts people. I have done the research for myself.

The liberal agenda has turned on its head, insisting that if you are a certain color you should feel bad for something that someone else has done.

I am white. I am proud of it. Just as any other person is proud of their heritage and background.

If you think being white has saved my ass from a difficult life, given me all that I asked for, and gave me some special ability to be better than another, you are a true fool with a very narrow concept of life.

You all believe this for popularity, not because it is your conviction. You wouldn't die for it.
You had a tough life because you're an idiot