Civil Discourse

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Who do you think mueller is going to indict next, you stupid racist lol.
So I checked and you said desantis isn’t racist for calling black people monkeys

Yet you cried and bawled when I called you a snow monkey

Jesus you are bad at this. Maybe you didn’t get banned but just left out of embarrassment
You have proven that you lack any form of understanding.
I completely understand why you prefer the word bigot to being more accurately labeled as racist.

Bigots are dumb Catholics and Jew haters. Racists are dumb white men.

Come to think of it, I don't understand why you prefer to be called a bigot. Care to explain why you prefer being called a bigot over being called a racist?
Incredible how you label and stereotype, unclebuck and fogdog, you are truly moronic. I have never seen so much hatred and acussal without basis. The deflection, is hysterical behaviour, the approach of being the victim while trying to victimize others is so obvious. As far as foreign, no born here in the U.S.A., although I have travelled over seas often, I am a natural born citizen, very proud of America, even though sad to see that people like you occupy this fine nation. I am amazed by the vile nature, you two are truly deranged.
Incredible how you label and stereotype, unclebuck and fogdog, you are truly moronic. I have never seen so much hatred and acussal without basis. The deflection, is hysterical behaviour, the approach of being the victim while trying to victimize others is so obvious. As far as foreign, no born here in the U.S.A., although I have travelled over seas often, I am a natural born citizen, very proud of America, even though sad to see that people like you occupy this fine nation. I am amazed by the vile nature, you two are truly deranged.
Nice deflection.

Care to explain why you prefer to be called a bigot instead of a racist? They are both shitty things to be.
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