*****official***** MAGA therad

Ya know, I've seen that before from you. It totally wrecked my life the 1st time. Seriously, that shit stung. I'm gonna hold that against you for an appropriate amount of time. And then life will go on.

Can I ask you a question?
You should ask yourself why no one likes you
if trump would just say "look at the economy, look at employment, look at job growth." it would do a lot more for him than having to turn actual accomplishments into something more in a sad search for approval. he's kept Obama's momentum with the economy going.
Of course, he's started a multi front trade war that's not going to turn out well. he's scuppered a long standing trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, and seems intent on alienating both of them at a time his trade war is already costing us economic allies.
Maybe more tax cuts for the 1% will fix it.
Oh, HI!!!

I'm so glad I can help you remember what Buck said:

Job numbers are the worst since 2011, wages are falling, healthcare and gas are skyrocketing, and billionaires are swimming in tax breaks while the working class gets $1.50 a week

Trumps economy sucks

Everyone fucking hates trump
And I care why?

But I'll play. Oh hi!