Greenpoint seeds!!

This is the PRK. I am trying to make the best of it, wouldn't grow it again.

I was pretty psyched by the description of PRK and bought 2 units - ironically the highest price I paid for anything at GPS. The first bean finished and yielded about 5 joints; I posted the pic. The next two were so slow and sickly they were culled. A 4th I didn't even try to run - just hit it with Copper Chem dust, thinking it might be the only way to get something worthwhile.

Well, so far, one copper raspberry that popped has struggled, and is far behind the other copper chucks. See if you can spot I'm almost hoping it's a Benjamin.

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I was pretty psyched by the description of PRK and bought 2 units - ironically the highest price I paid for anything at GPS. The first bean finished and yielded about 5 joints; I posted the pic. The next two were so slow and sickly they were culled. A 4th I didn't even try to run - just hit it with Copper Chem dust, thinking it might be the only way to get something worthwhile.

Well, so far, one bean that popped has struggled, and is far behind the other copper chucks. See if you can spot I'm almost hoping it's a Benjamin.

View attachment 4197996
So it yielded a couple of ounces...?
How many gold nuggets did u just earn

I wish it worked that way, ha ha!

What are your guys methods for a good cure?
I cut as big of branches as I can with mature buds (usually branches 16" or more and leave unmature buds to finish on the plant for another week or two), cut off the fan leaves, hang on circular racks I make out of 4' tall field fence, put in my dry room with 55-62% RH and 68-69 deg F temps with good air movement in the room. Let dry until branches crack when bent (usually 10-14 days minimum) and just leave them until whenever my trimmers show up (the downside to employing surfers, ha ha!), then buck and trim and turkey bag it all for as long as I want or until it moves. And if there's still some around and I'm happy with the cure and want to put it to a halt (usually around 6-8 weeks) I put it in a dedicated frost free freezer (to preserve the color mostly).

I have Copper, Purple Badlands, and Raindance on hand and was wondering which of one of these three you would grow if you were to do it all again knowing what you know now?

Thanks for your time,
I'd run any of them again and will actually. If you are looking for some good Chem representations then go with Copper Chem. I liked Purple Badlands and Raindance more than Copper Chem just because they're more my flavors, but I'm sure some of my associates would disagree with my opinion. I've had very good feedback on all of them.
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yea, i have some gnat control, dunks bits... I am using some Coco Loco rn, it doesnt seem to have any bugs, clean yellow sticky cards!! . might just switch to that
How you like the Coco loco, I ran half ffof and half CL in 7 gal smart pots. The loco seemed to absorb better than straight coco and still had the taste ffof gives ye.
At day 24 they're doing good, nothing really standing out. Though the one Cheap Thrills is starting to frost up quicker than any of the others at this point. Still maintaining a fairly even canopy, don't have any crazy ass stretchers...yet. FMF back right corner might need a booster seat. Thinking about putting up a scrog net, would this be a good time?_DSC3395.JPG

Cheap Thrills_DSC3389.JPG
I cut as big of branches as I can with mature buds (usually branches 16" or more and leave unmature buds to finish on the plant for another week or two), cut off the fan leaves, hang on circular racks I make out of 4' tall field fence, put in my dry room with 55-62% RH and 68-69 deg F temps with good air movement in the room. Let dry until branches crack when bent (usually 10-14 days minimum) and just leave them until whenever my trimmers show up (the downside to employing surfers, ha ha!), then buck and trim and turkey bag it all for as long as I want or until it moves. And if there's still some around and I'm happy with the cure and want to put it to a halt (usually around 6-8 weeks) I put it in a dedicated frost free freezer (to preserve the color mostly).
Man that is exactly how I process, cure and store my weed. Except on a smaller scale I'm sure, I'm the only trimmer.
Turned a bedroom closet into a drying area with a 4" fan in the crawlspace cover to keep some air flow. Hang cut branches on hangers on multiple rods, can get a couple lbs at a time in there. Keep the heat and the humidity at your settings in the bedroom. I try to get everything around 60% before going into jars and turkey bags. 2 month cure and into the freezer for some of it, though my freezer took a shit. I still have a few turkey bags of last years grow stashed back...rough trimmed. Pic is 2016_DSC2425.JPG
how are you boys n girls making out with the cake and larry bird on auction today? i predict some fire in both of those.
I was pissed to see how low the prices were and me not having any cash to spend.
There will come another time though, I really want to try the City Slicker.
Why tomahawk and hicock haze?
Grew full packs of both.

Hickock isnt really the type of plant that could be controlled in my indoor garden.
The cross is vigorous and weedy with great outdoor potential in the right environment.

Tomahawk was just nowhere near what I had expected in this cross.
I'm not a fan of its structure. The colas looked like 12 inch pieces of popcorn garland.
Dense, frosty fuel dripping nugs, but popcorn colas just don't make the cut for me.