New England outdoors 2018

Amazing photos, Kaya! That mist in the background and the webs is nice. It was pea soup fog out there this morning, about 800 ft thick, and moved back in tonight when the sun went down.
Went out there at 6am spraying Serenade again, trying to get it on at the start of every one of these humid cycles. So far, no rot under the hoop with fans.
View attachment 4198791 View attachment 4198796 95% humidity last night but here comes the sun!!! Looking like a nice week girls need another 2-4 weeks

It looked like that here at 3pm the fog rolled in. Got fans on ours and it was doing the job until it started sprinkling... I checked them at 1am and they're all wet... First thing in the morning I'm going out to dry them off with the electric leaf blower... Biting my nails until then
Been a busy week! Lots of time pruning and making final preps. We made sure plants got secured and had to patch the greenhouse. I took a few good pictures but then my girlfriend forgot my phone outside in the rain... All night. To play it safe I waited a few days phone in rice and thankfully it's fine, no damage at all!

So far been lucky with issues. Powdery mildew hasn't been bad, mostly on one plant and only two leafs on two others. I sprayed with potassium bicarb and we spent hours pruning and removing fan leaves and anything overlapping.

I've already gotten 3 spots of rot on different plants. I sprayed with peroxide and carefully removed the rot and checked the rest of the plant over good. 2 of the plants I decided to harvest a little early because one of them got another spot of rot 2 days later. It was a runt plant that wasn't impressive anyway, so decided to get it out of the way.
The other plant I chopped I had on light depo and it wasn't too big either. I was trying to use CS to get feminized pollen but all we had locally was 10ppm. I only sprayed part of the plant but did so until a few weeks ago, I figured it wasn't strong enough and didn't see any pollen sacks, but when I checked it for rot i found a few sacks which appear to have pollen. So it may have worked after all if the pollen ends up viable. That plant was a month ahead of the others and I found some rot so I chopped the rest.

So far it's only been bucket plants to have any rot. Most of them and two ground plants are pretty close and are in the high risk catagory so I began flushing and stopped feeding. I'm using Herculean Harvest in the flush to add some calcium and bulk up. The light depo plant loved it in the flush.

Two plants were looking pretty rough last week and both have bounced back and are looking great. One had spider mites and they both had a calcium deficiency. The bloom khaos foluar spray from NFTG's is probably what caused it, why only those two plants I don't know. The bloom khaos works great but uses a lot of calcium, I learned a lot of other growers have cut the amount down as well as increasing the calcium during feeding. They have both come back very nicely.

Bucket plant before
Bucket plant after
Ground plant before
Ground plant after

Tallest girl this year is 8' and an early finisher which is good news! She's in the batch that should be ready in the next 2 weeks. Colas almost as thick as a soda can on this one

This is that 8' tall girl when she was first put in the ground 7/24. So cute, now can barely get it in one shot...

This one was put in the ground 7/24 as well

And shes looking lovely now!

Still trying to figure out what strain this is, been hounding the guy we got them from to figure it out but someone with experience thinks it's some cross with lemon because it's very distinct. I'm pretty impressed with myself because she complimented how sticky, stinky, and crystally my OUTDOOR plants are and she grows medical in a state of the art warehouse. So I guess I've done good, and Nectar for the Gods is working great!
Hopefully get some better pictures soon, my phone camera sucks so I need my friend to come take some good quality pics before everything is done.

Weather is looking good here until Tuesday when we get the after effects of the hurricane, then next week temps dropping to 50's next Sunday lows say 49 ouch...
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It looked like that here at 3pm the fog rolled in. Got fans on ours and it was doing the job until it started sprinkling... I checked them at 1am and they're all wet... First thing in the morning I'm going out to dry them off with the electric leaf blower... Biting my nails until then
Wake up DirtFarmer, the Fog is back!
This is too much like the film, but it rolls in and snatches all these pot plants instead.
GDP and others are the well loved victims.

I'm going out and hitting the bottom canopy with serenade ( tops and middles done yesterday) and the grow bags and stalks with sulpher / oil spray. Fans on full.
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My (3)outdoor trees are big wide and getting heavy with fruit. With potential upcoming storm with big winds what do other growers do to protect limbs from potentially breaking off?

My second question to those more experienced outdoor growers, how do you handle your drying process with such significant volume? My indoors grows I do in my basement (just harvested dry process pic is attached), does anyone dry in an outdoors shed? View attachment 4196333
I dried in my garage with fans on low. But my neighbor's literally caught wind of it. I told them I had skunks... Must have sprayed.

That was before I got my drying rack
There was PM on the grow bag this morning.
Sprayed the whole lower canopy and bags with H2O2, defoliated the lower and dense middle of the hoop, then hit it with the sulphur spray, just leaves and stalks...hope that did the trick. Some of the lower leaves were affected, needed to air it out more. No more spraying anything else in this weather.
Once the porch queens dry out a bit, I'll move the box fan down here onto the lowers.
thick fog here again this morning!
Been pretty soupy here as well. I can set up a roof to hide from the rain but there’s no hiding from the soup. “Drag a fan, put a heater lol” I’m outdoors dammit lol I’m outdoors cuz it costs a heck of a lot more indoors! No bugs in my closet. No mold in my closet (yet). It’s easier there AND it costs more
You did it in the swamp year after year! You drag fans out there?
this bud rot shit is new to me,with the way the climate is changing I never saw it in the 90s-mid 2ooos just the last ten yrs or it seems to get worse each yr.way to much rh an cloud cover.this is my last season going full season plants sick an tired of growing trees all summer just to trash them 3 weeks early because of mold, iam on day 6 no sun rh 85LOL
this bud rot shit is new to me,with the way the climate is changing I never saw it in the 90s-mid 2ooos just the last ten yrs or it seems to get worse each yr.way to much rh an cloud cover.this is my last season going full season plants sick an tired of growing trees all summer just to trash them 3 weeks early because of mold, iam on day 6 no sun rh 85LOL
Yea...I'm done fucking around. I'm going out in a few to defoliate the fuck out of all the indicas. They are soaked still and it's only a matter of time before they go nuclear and smoke everything else in a mushroom cloud of PM and rot.

Any big leaves in the lower/middle are coming off. I'm stripping them down, then doing the hydrogen peroxide. So frustrating to have to deal with this bullshit right at the end. I guess thats the only way to grow indicas in the NE these days without a greenhouse. Strip them down right before the wet settles in and stay on top of them with aggressive preventative maintenance. Bummer...
There is nothing worse than having to chop early I am just praying for my crop to be ok I think today is last of rain for another week
Losing it all is worse. I've been cutting early. After a couple melt downs, I'm pretty quick on the trigger when the rot comes back after I've cut it out a time or two. If you can't stand to smoke early stuff, you can always turn it into oil.
I kinda enjoy the time I spend going around looking for budworms and picking them off. I assume now is too late to spray anything on/near the buds right?
I'm a few days behind, so this may have already been answered. But BT can be sprayed right up until day of harvest. Kills the worms by making it where they can't eat. But you need to pick off all you can find, then soak them with BT.
Losing it all is worse. I've been cutting early. After a couple melt downs, I'm pretty quick on the trigger when the rot comes back after I've cut it out a time or two. If you can't stand to smoke early stuff, you can always turn it into oil.
I’ve read that you can make bubble hash with moldy bud? I’ve read you can skim the mold as it floats and that also it’s smaller and will pass through your 60 screen?
Anyone? How do you make oil Larry? Rso?
I’ve read that you can make bubble hash with moldy bud? I’ve read you can skim the mold as it floats and that also it’s smaller and will pass through your 60 screen?
Anyone? How do you make oil Larry? Rso?
I've never made hash with any of mine. Or RSO for that matter.

I cut out all the rot I can find, wash the clean stuff in a H2O2 bath. Then rinse in clean water. I use a salad spinner for smaller harvest, and just sling as much water as you can from whole limbs, then hang with fan blowing nearby.

I decarb my bud and trim in the oven. 225F for 50 minutes. Then infuse it into coconut oil for several hours in the slow cooker. You strain out the plant matter. I cool in the fridge, reheat the next day and filter again.

I cook cakes and breads with it. Or when hiking, I can put drops of the oil right in my food or coffee. I can freeze the oil for several years if needed. It takes up a lot less space.