Been a busy week! Lots of time pruning and making final preps. We made sure plants got secured and had to patch the greenhouse. I took a few good pictures but then my girlfriend forgot my phone outside in the rain... All night. To play it safe I waited a few days phone in rice and thankfully it's fine, no damage at all!
So far been lucky with issues. Powdery mildew hasn't been bad, mostly on one plant and only two leafs on two others. I sprayed with potassium bicarb and we spent hours pruning and removing fan leaves and anything overlapping.
I've already gotten 3 spots of rot on different plants. I sprayed with peroxide and carefully removed the rot and checked the rest of the plant over good. 2 of the plants I decided to harvest a little early because one of them got another spot of rot 2 days later. It was a runt plant that wasn't impressive anyway, so decided to get it out of the way.

The other plant I chopped I had on light depo and it wasn't too big either. I was trying to use CS to get feminized pollen but all we had locally was 10ppm. I only sprayed part of the plant but did so until a few weeks ago, I figured it wasn't strong enough and didn't see any pollen sacks, but when I checked it for rot i found a few sacks which appear to have pollen. So it may have worked after all if the pollen ends up viable. That plant was a month ahead of the others and I found some rot so I chopped the rest.
So far it's only been bucket plants to have any rot. Most of them and two ground plants are pretty close and are in the high risk catagory so I began flushing and stopped feeding. I'm using Herculean Harvest in the flush to add some calcium and bulk up. The light depo plant loved it in the flush.
Two plants were looking pretty rough last week and both have bounced back and are looking great. One had spider mites and they both had a calcium deficiency. The bloom khaos foluar spray from NFTG's is probably what caused it, why only those two plants I don't know. The bloom khaos works great but uses a lot of calcium, I learned a lot of other growers have cut the amount down as well as increasing the calcium during feeding. They have both come back very nicely.
Bucket plant before

Bucket plant after

Ground plant before
Ground plant after
Tallest girl this year is 8' and an early finisher which is good news! She's in the batch that should be ready in the next 2 weeks. Colas almost as thick as a soda can on this one
This is that 8' tall girl when she was first put in the ground 7/24. So cute, now can barely get it in one shot...
This one was put in the ground 7/24 as well
And shes looking lovely now!
Still trying to figure out what strain this is, been hounding the guy we got them from to figure it out but someone with experience thinks it's some cross with lemon because it's very distinct. I'm pretty impressed with myself because she complimented how sticky, stinky, and crystally my OUTDOOR plants are and she grows medical in a state of the art warehouse. So I guess I've done good, and Nectar for the Gods is working great!
Hopefully get some better pictures soon, my phone camera sucks so I need my friend to come take some good quality pics before everything is done.
Weather is looking good here until Tuesday when we get the after effects of the hurricane, then next week temps dropping to 50's next Sunday lows say 49 ouch...