Not accusing a single Australian member that posts in this forum.
But a few weeks ago, i feel i was socked by a fellow Australian.
A few weeks ago, i had a pretty good D&M.
I was challenged on my sexual preferences. To which i stated i'm a straight male.
But homophobic remarks were still thrown my way.
I told them my first name, and showed them a pick of my dog. I love my dog.
If anyone has been spreading some bullshit rumor about, which way, and how i swing, then i want to know who they are.
Please tell them to PM me.
If the Australian sees this message, then check your sock account. I left you my peace of mind.
If it isn't anyone here. Then please disregard this message. But i'm one pissed off Australian right now.
I'm a very peaceful person. Any angry Australian can just leave me the fuck alone. Leave me in peace, like i leave you.
Sorry for this outburst. But there is an Australian who needs to hear it.
Apologies to any Australian not involved.
Peace to you all.