DIY moisture detector


Well-Known Member
Step 3.
Estimate the weight I need for the dimensions wanted. I want 12 inch for the pot and 5 inches for the brick. Weight be about 15 pounds, Jack.


Well-Known Member
Not at all, you do whatever you feels good. I'm probably older and I already have a bad back. Anything that avoids lifting is part of the KISS principle to me.
Yep this is no lifting. So I don't have to untie branches from the frame.


Well-Known Member
Step 6.
Flip the board over. Put the brick on one side and pot on the other. And if this is go time, adjust to balance and mark where balance is just in case things move later so you can put them back.


Well-Known Member
CONS: Potential problems if surface not flat. Cannot calibrate easy with a wet pot. Takes a little more footprint than the pot alone.

PROS: Potentially very accurate. Adjustable if you want less dry, add a little weight. You don't have to move the plant to weigh.

Any thoughts?