palin guilty


Well-Known Member
can't belive noone is talkin adout this yet so they found out that she abused her power as gov she is so fuckin horrible so is mcain they call obama a terrorist all week then has to explain to his audiance that he is a us citizen hahaha i find it funny and upsetting what a couple of asses


Well-Known Member
Yea that chick is something else, her and her family!!! I cant believe McCain didnt find out more about her before asking her to run with him, i read he knew absolutely nothing about her....... They are both idiots....


New Member
There has been talk on other threads about it. People right here on RIU are still defending her and claiming that it isn't true. Lame.......

I'm glad she was found guilty, I found her to be a most frightening choice.


New Member
There are still the wasted right wing woodniks that think she is hot. Myself, I find her disgusting and finding her sexy is a no-starter. She should get some kind of punishment for her offense, and definently be kicked off the ticket.

Big P

Well-Known Member
if she did abuse her power it was to get rid of dirty pig of a cop who tasered a ten year old boy

you guys image someone tasered your little boy, i tell you what the only reason i wouldnt kill him is the threat of getting caught and going to prison

this prick is still on the force i think, nd he has had countless repremands for being a dirty pig


Big P

Well-Known Member
anyway looks like you guys are gonna win unless Mcain pulls a fresh batch of ruby red roses out of his ass

so yes viva fidel, you guys may as well celebrate I would bebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Actually she fired s guy for not firing her former brother in law for a personal grudge involving their divorce

Big P

Well-Known Member
Actually she fired s guy for not firing her former brother in law for a personal grudge involving their divorce

whatever makes you feel better

he tasered a ten year old in her familiy and has shit on his record documenting that he was a shady pig who abused his power


Well-Known Member
I do think she is attractive...... and i am a straight But that is it!!! Is all this stuff about her being a racist and her daughter having a nazi myspace and the comments about what she said about hillary and Obama after Obama won the democ nomination true?

There are still the wasted right wing woodniks that think she is hot. Myself, I find her disgusting and finding her sexy is a no-starter. She should get some kind of punishment for her offense, and definently be kicked off the ticket.


New Member
I am, Bought the tickets for my Cuban vacation today, then it's on to Venezuela, and a final month in Russia, yeah this communism is going to rock. What a theory. I guess you righties will have to spend your vacations in Guantanamo, torturing prisoners,eh? Maybe a month patrolling Bagdad since it is so peaceful, Club greenzone sounds about right. I know, you righties are all pissed off about the market wiping you out, Maybe you'll develop some compassion while living like a homeless person, but I doubt it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I am, Bought the tickets for my Cuban vacation today, then it's on to Venezuela, and a final month in Russia, yeah this communism is going to rock. What a theory. I guess you righties will have to spend your vacations in Guantanamo, torturing prisoners,eh? Maybe a month patrolling Bagdad since it is so peaceful, Club greenzone sounds about right. I know, you righties are all pissed off about the market wiping you out, Maybe you'll develop some compassion while living like a homeless person, but I doubt it.

luckily i saw the market for what it is, a legal casino. agaisnt all advice I may add

just didnt jive for me to risk $100 to make $10:bigjoint:


Big P

Well-Known Member
plus when i was poor and I came up like a soldier and found ways to make loot to where i am succesful today

not my fault if someone else couldnt, i gotta worry about me and me own

cant carry anybody else on my back

most def tho i look out for my own peoples everyone esle can kiss my ass:bigjoint:

and you can quote me on that:bigjoint:

Big P

Well-Known Member
so why do they find her guilty and not him?

he wasnt running for vp so the trial wasn't against him:bigjoint:

im not sayign shes not guilty just sayin

arnt you guys the ones who were like, ya but he only lied over a blowjob?

so now im saying she only abused power to get rid of a dirty cop:bigjoint: after all they were family, why would she do that unless he was doin some crazy shit


Well-Known Member
he wasnt running for vp so the trial wasn't against him:bigjoint:

im not sayign shes not guilty just sayin

arnt you guys the ones who were like, ya but he only lied over a blowjob?

so now im saying she only abused power to get rid of a dirty cop:bigjoint: after all they were family, why would she do that unless he was doin some crazy shit
the bj was his personal life this is a governmental ethics issue


Well-Known Member
Saying she was "found guilty" makes it sound like she's going to jail. In fact, what she did was not illegal. Not that I'm defending her. I'm just pointing out that she is not going to be prosecuted for what she did.

I think it speaks volumes for McCain's judgment that he picked someone in the middle of an ethics investigation to be his running mate.

Meanwhile, does anyone think it's a coincidence that the Republicans started their complaints about ACORN submitting possibly fraudulent voter registration documents on the same day the Troopergate report dropped?

What a contemptible campaign McCain is running. Utterly contemptible. To end his political career this way, losing big and ugly, would be sad if he hadn't sacrificed any claim to integrity months ago. As it is, it's just pathetic.


Well-Known Member
the bj was his personal life this is a governmental ethics issue
And the fact that Clinton committed perjury wasn't a government ethics issue?

The issue wasn't the fact that he got a blowjob, the issue was that he lied about it.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman,"

He lied about it, and committed perjury while speaking on national TV.

Though at least Bill Clinton wasn't a socialist anti-American like Obama.

Obama is a racist, socialist who's global policy will probably result in a global jihad. Not to mention that he will probably allow Iran to Nuke Israel.

Did any one see how he dodged around that question? Or are all of you blinded by his stupid messiah complex.


Demagogue, and you know what kind of people are demagogues, poeple like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, PalPot and any one else who gives more to form than to substance.

You people are delusioned. Obama will not help any one, Obama is going to screw everyone over.

25% taxation to fix Social Security, WTF?

The Democrats need to admit that Social Security is broken, and that there is no rational way of fixing that POS.

His friends are people like Wright, Rezko, Raines, and Johnson. Corrupt businessmen and preachers who are untrustworthy.

Yet, you sheeple refuse to open your eyes, and see him for what he is, another shill for the corporate interests. His health care plan doesn't provide health care, it only provides health care insurance. Last time I checked health care insurance was not Health Care.

Now, I'm not saying we should support McCain. That would be hypocritical. Both the Republican and Democrat Candidate are shills for corporate america, and both of them proved it by voting for the bail out of Wall St. Which did absolutely jack shit, except transfer the failure of Wall Street from the back of the Executives and their companies to the backs of Main Street and the people.

I don't know why I bother, everyone knows that Obama supporters are incapable of independent thought, and thus can not be expected to listen to rational arguments.


New Member
You people are delusioned. Obama will not help any one, Obama is going to screw everyone over.

Uhhhh, That's the right wing take, that's for sure. I don't know if Obama can get his agenda through, and I really don't like his health plan, although he did say, us that liked our present plan could keep it and at one time I heard something about 2500.00 less in premiums, don't quite understand that, but it sounded good. I really doubt he'll help me and my situation. Hopefully he will help those that are caught without health insurance of any kind. I'm of the opinion that health care is not a fucking priveledge but a basic human right, especially in this day and age where the corporations have poisened the air, land, and water.


New Member
I would think that if the trooper actually tazed a 10 year old boy that information would be all over the news. This is the first I've ever heard of anything to that effect.

Repeating lies does not make them true. The fact remains, the trooper was in the middle of a very ugly divorce and custody battle with Palins sister. Now lets think about this if he lost his job it would make the judge lean more toward the wife to get custody. Not to mention that getting fired from being a cop would make him look pretty fucking bad.

I can't believe that there are still people that can't see through her vindictive behavior.


Well-Known Member
Well, the wording used in the report issued included the word "unlawful". I'm no legal scholar, but 'unlawful' sounds like that means 'illegal'.

And okay, you've listed Obama's acquaintances. Wright didn't commit a crime, Rezko didn't commit a crime that had anything to do with Obama, Raines is not comparable to the guy on McCain's staff who's been taking fannie kickbacks as recently as LAST MONTH.

Then compare that little BS to McCain -- served on the board of a pro-nazi ultra right-wing group selling weapons to our enemy (Iran) and funding death squads in South America, taking bribes from Keating in return for influence with regulators, playing Indian casinos off each other in Arizona, race-baiting crowds, being a traitor as a prisoner of war (by giving the enemy information in order to make HIS life more bearable), and so on.

If Obama's shaded a little toward a gray area once in a while, McCain's got a pitch black soul in comparison. As a combat veteran myself, giving information to the enemy is the most galling to me personally. If I'd been a prisoner with him, and found out what he'd done, *I* might have killed him. Cowardly dishonest traitorous pussy, that's McCain.