Manchin is going to vote for Kavanaugh

Any Dem who supported Manchin BEFORE this has no principles, isn't a lefty, sold out was conned, etc. Did this really surprise anyone? Much thanks to the vote blue no matter who crowd. Go be republicans already.
You realize his vote is meaningless, right?
You realize his vote is meaningless, right?
No it isn't. Yeah, it isn't the deciding vote but, it means that Curtis can once again blame the Democrats for O'Kavanaugh the way he does everything else - just like Trump does. That's fucking priceless to him.
You realize his vote is meaningless, right?
It's not meaningless. Manchin will vote yes because a no vote would hurt him to the WV voters that support him. That's the only reason he's going to vote yes, to save his own ass and fuck the rest of the country for the next 3 decades.

You support a guy who supports Trump more than 60% of the time, you support Trump more than 60% of the time.
It's not meaningless. Manchin will vote yes because a no vote would hurt him to the WV voters that support him. That's the only reason he's going to vote yes, to save his own ass and fuck the rest of the country for the next 3 decades.

You support a guy who supports Trump more than 60% of the time, you support Trump more than 60% of the time.
Completely meaningless vote. Gop already had 50

You might appreciate having one extra dem vote in 2020-2024 after dems retake the presidency and senate

Or just cry and be a hysterical woman about it
If Bernie Sanders supported Trump more than 60% of the time, I wouldn't support Bernie Sanders..

Yet we have people claiming to support progressive values supporting a guy who supports Trump more than 60% of the time who is the enemy to progressive values when the most moderate Republican supports Democrats less than 15% of the time..

They're tricking you into supporting them and you're doing their bidding at your own selfish and stupid expense, and helping ruin any progress that's been made the past few decades.

This is just going to be another point for progressives to highlight when the midterms come and for future elections. It proves once again corporate Democrats can't be trusted to do the right thing, even when it doesn't actually matter towards the vote. If they can't be trusted when it doesn't matter, what honest, intelligent individual would believe they'd ever do the right thing when it does actually matter?
So, uh, why didn't a good Progressive take him on in the primary and kick his ass? I mean, the good people of West Virginia are just BEGGING for a good Progressive, right?

Manchin has the support of the corrupt Democratic establishment, any opponent running against him is at an automatic disadvantage. You support said system of corruption because we have to defeat the Republican, even though ol' Joe votes with the Republicans more than 60% of the time, because you're not smart, are selfish, and incredibly stupid
If Bernie Sanders supported Trump more than 60% of the time, I wouldn't support Bernie Sanders..

Yet we have people claiming to support progressive values supporting a guy who supports Trump more than 60% of the time who is the enemy to progressive values when the most moderate Republican supports Democrats less than 15% of the time..

They're tricking you into supporting them and you're doing their bidding at your own selfish and stupid expense, and helping ruin any progress that's been made the past few decades.

This is just going to be another point for progressives to highlight when the midterms come and for future elections. It proves once again corporate Democrats can't be trusted to do the right thing, even when it doesn't actually matter towards the vote. If they can't be trusted when it doesn't matter, what honest, intelligent individual would believe they'd ever do the right thing when it does actually matter?
When democrats were in power manchin voted with them 77% of the time and there’s no chance in hell of another Democrat winning that senate seat in a r+40 state

Our alternative is to pull a tea party style self own - like when they primaried mike castle in Delaware and got Christine O’Donnell instead. Castle would have won easily but O’Donnell lost by 20 points. Chris coons is still sitting in a seat that mike castle would be in

Don’t be stupid because you’re a hysterical crying woman
When democrats were in power manchin voted with them 77% of the time
Just like I said, Manchin is a careerist, just like Hillary Clinton. He does what the tide tells him, despite what's right or wrong, and you support him
there’s no chance in hell of another Democrat winning that senate seat in a r+40 state
Democrats are poised to win all across red states/districts in Nov. Heitkamp probably won't. Other corporate Dems who pretend to be Republicans and vote conservative probably won't either. Actual progressives will, though
Just like I said, Manchin is a careerist, just like Hillary Clinton. He does what the tide tells him, despite what's right or wrong, and you support him

Democrats are poised to win all across red states/districts in Nov. Heitkamp probably won't. Other corporate Dems who pretend to be Republicans and vote conservative probably won't either. Actual progressives will, though
This is all based on your feelings rather than statistics or actual reasoning

Here’s s stat for ya, padaraper: n+1 Democrats in the senate is always better than n democrats in the senate

You can cry like a hysterical woman all night and never defeat that argument
At least I employ logic. You slobber all over yourself and expect people to care.

Introduce statistics or employ actual reasoning to back up your blather

Nobody is interested in any of your feelings
Funny, I just beat your ass on your assertion that I support Manchin...

With logic, bitch.
Not when they vote with Republicans more than 60% of the time
Yes, even then

Here’s a statistic for ya, padaraper: a Democrat in the senate who votes with the opposing party 60% of the time when they are in power and with their own party 77% of the time when they are in power is far better than a republican who will vote with their own party 90+% of the time when they are in power and with the opposing party less than 15% of the time when they are in power

You can cry like a hysterical woman all night and not defeat that
Yes, even then

Here’s a statistic for ya, padaraper: a Democrat in the senate who votes with the opposing party 60% of the time when they are in power and with their own party 77% of the time when they are in power is far better than a republican who will vote with their own party 90+% of the time when they are in power and with the opposing party less than 15% of the time when they are in power

You can cry like a hysterical woman all night and not defeat that
Maybe he needs a "damn your Vulcan logic" sig. That will prove that he knows logic.

At least Tty was smart enough to leave this section after I exposed him as a fraud.
Yes, even then

Here’s a statistic for ya, padaraper: a Democrat in the senate who votes with the opposing party 60% of the time when they are in power and with their own party 77% of the time when they are in power is far better than a republican who will vote with their own party 90+% of the time when they are in power and with the opposing party less than 15% of the time when they are in power

You can cry like a hysterical woman all night and not defeat that
I have to disagree on this.
I would rather have him running as a fucking republican and the dems put up a real dem. We just might get what we want instead of SETTLING for a POS like Machin.