Greenpoint seeds!!

Like I said straight fire!!!!
Lol you dont get out much homie...shit looks average as fuk.anytime leaves cover up all the calyxs that be a no go for got anything like this or anything with visible calaxys and not hairy as fuk leafy buds?

Or dis


Or dis


Or dis



Cause if you ain't got nothing "FIRE AS FUCK"to compare to than what do u got?string weed full of leafy ass buds
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Lol you dont get out much homie...shit looks average as fuk.anytime leaves cover up all the calyxs that be a no go for got anything like this or anything with visible calaxys and not hairy as fuk leafy buds?
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Or dis

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Or dis

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Or dis

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Cause if you ain't got nothing "FIRE AS FUCK"to compare to than what do u got?string weed full of leafy ass buds
Is that better for you lol! And opinions are like assholes! Everyone's got one but not everyone knows their shit stinks!CM170919-162510003.jpg CM171218-031842006.jpg
I don't mind leaves! They all get trimmed regardless it's all about the bud after the dry and cure! At that point who cares how many leaves it has lol come on man we all got fire shit! This ain't the 70's!!!!
That shit is average man.dont get bent out of saying fire as fuck but I'm not over here oooooh and ahhhhhh.all that greenpoint shit is hairy ass 10 week.rarely see one that just jumps off like damn I wish I had a cut of that.
You find that shit u posting in a pack of Humboldt homie
Lol wow well you can't please everyone! But I'm willing to bet my left nut that your one of the very very few that feel that way! I've got ppl having no issues paying 60 bucks and 8th or 20 a gram for my shit! So I'm happy and so are everyone I've ever met with the exception of you! So I'm good with that!
You try that shit here where I'm from. you'll be selling that shit for 100 a zip to the poor kids.
Those last 2 you posted was decent.not to bad but not fire as fuck.the competition is rediculous here.they will buy your shit when everyone else is out.dont kid yourself.give some legit gas to a few people and see how much more they blow ya phone up.
You try that shit here where I'm from. you'll be selling that shit for 100 a zip to the poor kids.
Well not everyone is the world can go down to the store and choose between a thousand different strains!
You try that shit here where I'm from. you'll be selling that shit for 100 a zip to the poor kids.
I understand that but not everyone has the means or the ability to choose from thousands of strains and genetics! It's still very illegal where I'm from! Maybe one day but as for now it just is what it is!
Those last 2 you posted was decent.not to bad but not fire as fuck.the competition is rediculous here.they will buy your shit when everyone else is out.dont kid yourself.give some legit gas to a few people and see how much more they blow ya phone up.
So you never answered me where do you buy your "superior" genetics from?
Honestly how I feel it's all fire as fuck! Like boy blue said at that point it comes down to preference and LAB testing! Bc in my honest opinion both mine and yours seem like the exact same top shelf good grade bud! And I think it's safe to say about 90% of ppl here will feel the same and agree with me! It all comes down to preferences!!!! But to each his own amd I'd still love to hear where your getting your genetics from!
Heisengrow is like a cancer to any good discussion or grow-log.
First he attacks Gu on unstable genetics based on his claim and his own shitty grow practices, then on pics that Gu uses of clone-only mothers from other people, and then this asshat finally broke the straw when he attacked Gu on his personal, life choices.

Greenthumb is showing straight fire from his multiple Jelly Pie phenos and now you're harassing him. I detest backwoods hick pieces-of-mudslime like you - your video showed pretty much everyone the shitty background you come from, your lack of education and really any insight with dealing with people that aren't meth-addled Florida trash like you.

I'm all for peace and positivity, but I have nothing but the biggest middle-finger for you, Heisengrow. Get bent, you insufferable douche-knozzle.