Week or 2 from harvest, night temps in the low 30s!! What to do!


I live in Colorado and this is my first grow. My plant is roughly a week or two from harvest and the weather is taking a turn to winter. For the next few weeks the day temps are roughly average 40s to low 50s and all night temps are very low 30s. Really dont want to harvest early when im this close! For the past couple weeks ive been putting the plant in my garage to keep it out of the rain ( its planted in a 27 gal tub so its movable) any ideas on how i can keep her going over the next week or two! Would be much appreciated. Thought about trying to take it indoors but it doesnt fit through my back door or front door ( its 6.5ft, about 4 ft wide or more). I figured bringing it inside would shock it even more from bringing it in from 35 degrees to 70. And i dont have anywhere indoors where it could get complete darkness. Sorry for the rant!
Your okay.32degree ok most the time.... 25 degree = bad. If your really worried cover with a sheet over night. Depending on your strain the colder temperature might cause some nice color.
Your okay.32degree ok most the time.... 25 degree = bad. If your really worried cover with a sheet over night. Depending on your strain the colder temperature might cause some nice color.
Yeah its pushing the limit. Its legit 32 degrees out right now. Over the last couple weeks shes turned super purple! Which is cool but dont want to kill her with the cold. You think i could put a space heater in my garage with the plant and that should help?
I live in Colorado and this is my first grow. My plant is roughly a week or two from harvest and the weather is taking a turn to winter. For the next few weeks the day temps are roughly average 40s to low 50s and all night temps are very low 30s. Really dont want to harvest early when im this close! For the past couple weeks ive been putting the plant in my garage to keep it out of the rain ( its planted in a 27 gal tub so its movable) any ideas on how i can keep her going over the next week or two! Would be much appreciated. Thought about trying to take it indoors but it doesnt fit through my back door or front door ( its 6.5ft, about 4 ft wide or more). I figured bringing it inside would shock it even more from bringing it in from 35 degrees to 70. And i dont have anywhere indoors where it could get complete darkness. Sorry for the rant!
Heat mat underneath it?
What does watering do before a cold night?
Watering it helps insulate the roots.

It's been down to 25 so far and the girls didn't even act like anything had happened. Tho my pots are much larger and I use straight manure which makes heat to help keep them warm.

I would wrap your pot in a thick blanket to keep the roots warm. You can even fill up bottles full of hot water and place that around the pot then cover it up...or use a heat mat as suggested.

On Sunday I would keep a small heater in the shed with the plant....20 can kill it.
Had one in the flower bed we left until after Christmas and was perfect.... lucky? This was in Western Oregon.
Watering it helps insulate the roots.

It's been down to 25 so far and the girls didn't even act like anything had happened. Tho my pots are much larger and I use straight manure which makes heat to help keep them warm.

I would wrap your pot in a thick blanket to keep the roots warm. You can even fill up bottles full of hot water and place that around the pot then cover it up...or use a heat mat as suggested.

On Sunday I would keep a small heater in the shed with the plant....20 can kill it.
Thank you for your help! I went and bought a little utility heater and have it in my garage with my plant. Since there hasnt been like any sunlight for a week and its been raining for about that long as well i hooked up one of my 600w led lights in my garage over my plant. Not big enough at all for the plant obviously but figured it was better than no light, so if im supposed to water today ( I water every other day, usually in the moring before noon) would you recommed waiting until tonight instead? And based on the pic i posted above would you say oct. 19 would be a good harvest date?
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I use a small electric heat pad meant for terrariums or something, I run it under the plant from 7pm - 7am, I also run an electric aquarium heater in my resevoir and it keeps the temps of water at 70 or so and I water them with that before and after dark period. Never had an issue running well into october
Thank you for your help! I went and bought a little utility heater and have it in my garage with my plant. Since there hasnt been like any sunlight for a week and its been raining for about that long as well i hooked up one of my 600w led lights in my garage over my plant. Not big enough at all for the plant obviously but figured it was better than no light, so if im supposed to water today ( I water every other day, usually in the moring before noon) would you recommed waiting until tonight instead? And based on the pic i posted above would you say oct. 19 would be a good harvest date?
That should do the trick...and the 19th sounds right but you won't know for sure til then