To aero garden or not....

im not lame shut up

Active Member
k so i have been reading everyone's post and was thinking i would give this a i am a noob to hydro and have a just one thing to ask.....i saw aerogrowman's baby's and was impressed and was thinking i need one to, i mean he said he went the whole grow with it as is and just used the tabs that were supplied. so can it be done, yes no thats all i need to know and if so would i get a good more thing ...maxi gro....good bad...ugly ... let me know l8r all............:blsmoke:
Most stoners can smoke the output of an unmodified Aerogarden in much less time than it takes to do the grow. You can get much better total yield and quality for the same if not less money, but you will have to do more than phone up a 1-800 number with your credit card number.
yes, you can do 1 or 2 plants all the way, but you will need CFL's for supplemental lighting for the flowering about 4-5 150watters or 10-12 27watts around them to produce decent buds. You may get close to an oz a plant (mo r less) depending on the variables, but thats about all your going to get outta an AG CFL grow. This was my beginning also and I learned all the principles about hydro/aero using it. It's just an expensive superb educator and thats it, not great for producing big yields, which I know it's just for your own personal smoke, but after learing how it works, you will won't to invest in a better light source and should be able to build your own system for about $300 bucks and have 3x the yield, and use the AG just for germing and cloning.
Most stoners can smoke the output of an unmodified Aerogarden in much less time than it takes to do the grow. You can get much better total yield and quality for the same if not less money, but you will have to do more than phone up a 1-800 number with your credit card number.

great quote Al B., very Zen LIKE :joint:
You may get close to an oz a plant (mo r less) depending on the variables,

It'd take some pretty big variables to get an oz/plant out of an aerogarden. For comparison's sake, here's what 1oz plants look like:

The pictured SoG budstalks all yielded about 1z/ea. Grown with 1000HPS in cooltubes. About the only way to get plants like this out of an aerogarden is to chuck out the fluoro lighting and add a 400HPS. The aerogarden won't be big enough to support the rootmass of plant like those I've pictured, so a watering system upgrade will be needed.

By the time you've replaced the aerogarden's lighting and watering systems, you have what we call 'Grandpa's axe,' the one which is on its 3rd handle and 4th head, but by gum it's still Grandpa's axe!
Naw, no big variables just more LIght and only 1 or 2 plants in the system. I used 12 cfl's 27watts and I got a lil over an oz 32g's from a bagseed grow. I did also use an airstone and the nutes that came with it which I don't think are major but the biggest variable I think would come down to how much light and the strain. I don't have a quality camera but I just chopped down a bagseed grow of some purple I was still experimenting with to sharpen my skills before I started with the good stuff, and I will post if possible. AG was great to learn on, but I've built a system using the same functioning principles but added my own light 400hps growlux :weed: and everything you say about the Grandpa Ax thang whateva, yeah you right but what I said wasn't the gospel for AG Quote; You may get close to an oz a plant (mo r less) depending on the variables
AG is not designed for MJ. IF you get will have buyers remorse... I promise. You'd be better off spending that money on a light and growing in coco or soil. I'm warning you man..... don't do it.
AG is not designed for MJ. IF you get will have buyers remorse... I promise. You'd be better off spending that money on a light and growing in coco or soil. I'm warning you man..... don't do it.

I totally agree with everything you just said, but for someone that doesn't have a buddy that Grows and able to learn the in/outs. The system does put you on your feet, and gives you a better idea of what your suppose to be doing, that is if your doing Hydro/Aero method. Peeps been trying to explain to me how to grow dro and you listen and try to understand but it didn't all come together until I had a right in front of me, and I learned quickly. The only thing I had remorse about is not knowing how to grow before I brought the AG, but I'm not pissed about if b/c it was like having my own private tutor. But if you are set on growing hydro it's not the worse thing you could do, however, after I spent a total sum of about $350 on the system I have now vs. $350 for the AG plus another $130 on CFLs, and other misc...$50, trying to produce MJ out of the AG is not very cost effective.
AG is not designed for MJ. IF you get will have buyers remorse... I promise. You'd be better off spending that money on a light and growing in coco or soil. I'm warning you man..... don't do it.

yep, that's the nut.

Aerogardens simply don't suit the plant size and light requirements for cannabis. Probably good for small quantities of leafy kitchen herbs ie basil, but I can grow that in a modified discarded soft drink bottle with some garden soil, effectively for free.

I have a hard time with the suggestion that Aerogardens make a good cloner. For $300, you can have at least two cloneboxes like mine, including enclosure, heat mat, lighting, thermostat & exhaust fan.

Aerogardens are just not the right tool for the job. With a little education and a lot less money, you can grow much better quality & quantity cannabis. All it takes is some reading and perhaps a few queries of experienced growers when you get stymied.
Shit B. If you had me around back when, I'd have set you straight. :wink: There's going to be a learning curve for every noob.... no matter the system. Might as well grow lotsa weed while you're learning. :bigjoint: There's only so many things to be fucked up any way. It's like coloring between the lines... keep your numbers in check and all is well.
This is the purple bagseed plant I just chopped from my last AeroG grow, it's not an oz, haven't weighed it yet but it's looks close to being about 16-22g's or more. Also, I used the same technology the AG used in designing my present system only I got the big boy light this time 400hps growlux. :-P

**note I did supplement w/additional lighting**


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Sure there's a learning curve, but I don't really see Aerogardens as being fantastic teaching aids. If anything, they kinda truncate the learning curve.

This is the part I don't get; Aerogarden evangelists will absolutely defend them to the death, while the guy who plunked down $119 for a 400HPS from HTG and cooked up a cheapo watering system and got ventilation, nutes & metering etc with the rest of $300 is now stoned to beat jesus on solid nugs- and lots of 'em. :D
it's looks close to being about 16-22g's

Does that include all the stems and leaf? Is that dry weight?


Sorry, but this looks awful. Typical result of flowering with fluoros.
My "learning curve" spiel was not an endorsment for the AG. In fact, I even added on the ...
.... no matter the system. Might as well grow lotsa weed while you're learning. :bigjoint:
so there'd be no confusion. When I said B.,.... I was abbreviating Brazko.
well guys, I'm not disputing anything your are saying, and yes that bud is a piece of shit compared to a better quality grow no doubt, but compared to nothing at all it's great. By the time a noob gets around to actually building his system and has it up and running, then attempting to tackle all the probs they will encounter on the grow, I'll be smoking that piece of shit. I'm not defending the aspect of that the Aerogarden is going to manufactur quality weed, just quality growers that's all. I personally didn't have to worry about, ph, temp, nutes, exhaust, filter etc..... just had to figure out how to allow more height and additional lighting. Now that I have a couple of test runs, I can afford to invest in a Sog grow with quality seeds and don't have to worry about :wall: an entire grow just b/c. Now that I have a better understanding, Al B you are right, I look around the house and I'm like I already had the means to grow weed for free, but that is what we are capable of doing now, not a noob. Look around this forum, you are pretty much co-creator of many of the helpful info, and still their are thousands of noobs on here that can't even sustain one plant past germination. So is it you don't know what you are talking about, No absolutely not, it's just that growing is easy to do just Hard as fuk to learn and the AG makes the learing process easier. As far as the weight, I don't know, I just chopped it down, it was still wet, I'm still drying it, won't know actually what I got until I start manicuring. It's probably not more than 20+, nor do I think it's less than 14. Either way, I'm not trying to be right, just informed and will let you know what I actually got out of it in the end :leaf:

As far as curves, why not start out w/ a bike instead of a big wheel or, drivng a semi-truck instead of a car, wouldn't that make us better at doing both too?

But to make errbody happy, Your Right, I'm Wrong, Your Smart, I'm Dumb, I'm OK with That
Dude, listen to AL...

I have an AG and have had fun and everything, but for the same effort and less money, I could have had the same yield X 5 or 6 at least... in the same amount of time too...

Check my grow, it's cute... but it will be smoked in one session with all my friends to celebrate my first indoor harvest ...

If you do you research and listen to the experienced growers, you could very well be harvesting in 2 to 3 months, and be proud that your effort has paid off...

I am building a grow tent, check it out here... (hint hint... lol... AL... can you take a peek and comment..? please..?

Just click on the red squares by the quote...

I wanted to order a Grow Tent as well, but the cash was a little short that day... not wanting to wait this long again for shipping, I decided to go get some supplies and build my own...

And here...

... so I will start pretty much where I left off...

For light I will be using a 600 watt HPS in a 8" cool tube...

The AG is cute and can teach you a lot... but if you are going to stick with growing, buy the right tools for the job, instead of upgrading your set up 28.5 times...

Just my thoughts, but I don't know much... not even one indoor harvest yet, still 3 weeks away... so listen to the pros...

Best of luck...

Shit I couldn't resist...

Here are a few shots of my AG...

The biggest plant is 6" tall by 13" wide...

And we are in the end of week 5 in flowering...







and the grow tent...




There are lots more pictures at the garden...

