The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

“Private messages between group leaders, members and associates show an effort to keep their violent intentions secret...” Guess what #TeamTreason? Your backchannel comms for discussing various felonies weren’t any safer than Heil Cletus’ were below. :-)


why are these men carrying pvc pipes with end caps on them?
I love how butt hurt and triggered you libtards get and whats even better non of you have came at me with any facts LMAO typical. But of course its completely ok for you to call me a fascist and be racist saying just because i'm black i drink cool-aid... yet the conservatives are the racist, fascist, bigots Right? yet who is trying to silence free speech instead of showing and shred of evidence that backs your claims
bottom line is all you white people are racist right?? that's what liberals say anyways.

what a joke you using a news group like the national just goes to show you literally have no facts on anything hahaha oh and remember Hillary oh ya the fluffed the numbers, dead people voted and ILLEGAL'S voted and you still couldn't get it done hahaha..... so keep telling yourself you have a chance.
I'm from Canada and thought folks in the states might like a more objective and common sense viewpoint, you don't have to watch it and didn't from the timing of your response. BTW the National is the CBC's (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) main news program, not a news group which can be found on USENET, another part of the internet.
omg you have to be the dumbest person i have every come across "home bound" is a rating that the VA gives disabled veteran who cant hardly leave there home because of there injury's and yes i still vote even tho im "home bound" second YOUR DAMN RIGHT TRUMP IS SENDING THE MILITARY TO DEFEND OUR BORDER YOU LIBTARD TWAT WAFFLE YOU HAVE ALMOST 10000 PEOPLE COMING TO INVADE OUR COUNTRY FLYING THERE FLAGS. if they were looking for work and refuge then they would be waving AMERICAN flags..... hahaha so whats it feel like to be sooooo dumb?? do you get confused when you see a pic of a boy and girl on restroom signs? do guns make you run and hide in your safe place? lets see liberals are pro rape, pro abortion, pro pedophilia, pro suicide and they are anti-gun, anti free speech, anti wemon's rights.... plus they hate America, hate patriotism oh and if you disagree with anything a liberal say's they get violent, yelling, screaming, trying to kill people the list goes on yet the conservatives are the ones causing violence and division in this country.... you just cant fix stupid and your a prime example of that. Just think of all the people that you are turning into republicans because of how dumb you and your entire party are LMAO THANK YOU!!
I bet most of the “caravan” can write better English than you trumptard
I love how butt hurt and triggered you libtards get and whats even better non of you have came at me with any facts LMAO typical. But of course its completely ok for you to call me a fascist and be racist saying just because i'm black i drink cool-aid... yet the conservatives are the racist, fascist, bigots Right? yet who is trying to silence free speech instead of showing and shred of evidence that backs your claims