James bean company

just to respond to you saying you've never heard of the tracker in a package. idk if you referred to me saying that but either way i can tell you first hand 100% this happens. my personal freind did 18mo for recieving 40lb in the mail. this was pre-silk road. this was ppl we grew up with that were mexican who moved back to arizona and their connections whom had a whole operation going. in their case we don't have all the deets on how they found the package because the sender never got caught or a any heat, but my buddy who used a girl to open the package plead guilty. he had some plausible deniability because some girl opened it when he wasn't home, but he didnt want to fuck her over so he took a sweet deal at the time(late 90's) and got 18mo. the way it happened was a turkey was in the box not the weed. there was an alarm that signaled the tema to raid the house when the box was opened. they took everyone at the house to jail. that is a 100% factual story and this was someone i hung with on the daily for a decade
Well that really sucks. I wonder how much has to be in the package for them to go to that kind of trouble.
Just ordered some body and the jbc site's fill in form would only use capital letters, not case sensitive. So when I put in my email address, it's wrong lol, because my email is all lower case. I emailed them but even there contact email form would only do capital letter and no lower case. Kind of a pain in the butt although its a good deal at the moment.
I was just watching a video with James Bean and he is promoting seedsherenow com
There isn't any mention of jbcseeds com. The video was posted Jul 20, 2018.

Here's the video link:

(forum won't let me post link)

Wake & Bake America With James Bean From The Best Seed Bank SeedsHereNow

Which site is legit?

This guy goes by james bean and runs seedsherenow, we are discussing jamesbeancompany run by someone else, totally not related. Both companies are legit. Even though jamesbeancompany(jbcseeds) has a smaller selection , I prefer them for my own reasons and will not bad mouth seedsherenow on this page. Seedsherenow is more expensive but larger selection. But jbcseeds has some breeders seedsherenow does not. This has been asked many times, if i got anything wrong, im sure someone else will chime in with the correction.
Just ordered some body and the jbc site's fill in form would only use capital letters, not case sensitive. So when I put in my email address, it's wrong lol, because my email is all lower case. I emailed them but even there contact email form would only do capital letter and no lower case. Kind of a pain in the butt although its a good deal at the moment.

I’m unaware of any email provider that is case sensitive. It should be fine.