Cannabis for Pain


Well-Known Member
I am starting this thread to try and find out how most users experience pain relief from cannabis (or derivatives).
My wife has to consume an excessive amount and get very stoned to appreciate any significant pain relief. For me as little as half a joint in the AM takes from from near immobility to I want to go dancing (if I even could). Some mornings it may take 3 joints to get the relief I desire, but I always get there in the AM.

I guess she gets 20-30% relief on any given day, whereas I eventually reach 100% pain relief most days.

So, what about the rest of you.

RFC @zoic
though I find only minimal relief with cannabis,mainly smoked and eaten as oil caps...but it is a part of the puzzle
when used in conjunction with some other remedies...and drugs..
Smoked cannabis most of the day ...keeps the mind from focusing on neuropathic pain, and will take the edge of
some of the inflammation associated with DDD/neck-pain/back pain
Mostly I find Cannabis helps with my general attitude toward life,which would turn completely depressing otherwise,
given my circumstances health wise....
I could go without cannabis but I would def experience a decline in my overall health, due to the fact I have a lot of illnesses and the small amount of relief across a broad spectrum of them...just adds up.
So I spent 16 years on opiates that did not take away the pain...I have degenerative disc disease and 4 back surgeries....I only use cannabis now, but not near enough what I need (currently 3-5g/day)...edibles and me seem to be hit or miss, but I'm such a good baker, who really gives a fuck? tried some topicals from the dispensary and it felt good on my knee but did squat for my back...I would really like to use caps, because smoking/vaping isn't good for the copd.....I find the first dose of the day is the most effective...I do find I can be easily distracted from the pain with it....
For me, smoking a joint mostly just takes my mind off the pain.It helps with other issues like depression, though. I have end-stage osteoarthritis in my knee along with no cartilage or acl and no amount of prescription drugs can touch the pain at the end of the day. CBD oil taken orally is the only thing that numbs it.
Hi Zoic,
I have a couple of issues that I try and treat with ganja or derivatives. I'm fairly old and have some osteoarthritis problems mostly in one hip. I take cbd/thc caps since I like to get why not include that with the therapy. Gotta take at least 3 caps to get some relief. Should take more but I get better relief with glucosamine and condroitin.

I also have an irritable bladder which is treated best with broad spectrum smoking some bud. When I'm stoned I can hold 500 cc in my bladder as compared to less then half thet when totally straight. Can't compare it to pharma since I refuse to visit MDs.
For me I get a couple types of relief. 1 is inflammation based relief which I found comes better from a 1:1 thc/cbd strain than straight thc or straight cbd strain. 2 is nerve pain related to the paresthesia in my leg, I need heavy thc for that or it will wake me up from a dead sleep feeling like a hot poker is being stabbed into my leg when the numb area randomly becomes not numb.

I have found nothing that fully takes away all pain, I had the same problem with opiates though, I can get fucked up enough on pills that the pain does not bother me despite still being there but it is always present no matter what substance I have tried.
Hey Zoic,
One more thought I'd like to add to the discussion. When I do take 50 mg of CBD, I only get partial relief to my main problem...but on the other hand, other joints that are merely age-worn yet not giving me serious pain...those joints moved smoother and I even seemed to have better range of motion with the CBD. So for me, a large 70 year old man...50 mg is beneficial for minor aches and pains. And like dynowk said above...a feeling that my hip isn't quite the bother that it normally is. Lots of psychology in pain management.
Lots of psychology in pain management.

No doubt in my mind about that. I have found a unique approach to break away pain. Instead of trying to ignore it,
I focus on it, and sometimes that lets me control it better. Have ever tried taking more CBD just to see if you attain more pain relief.
Have ever tried taking more CBD just to see if you attain more pain relief

I Haven't yet but that's the next obvious step. Of course I would need CBD only with no THC or I'd be too stoned to function. I've heard of people taking way more then I've ever taken...and since it has bo toxicity at higher doses, why not. Our dispensary rarely has pure cbd plus it's pretty pricey. I do have some Harlequin seeds so planning on a little grow.

So you do a meditation on the pain. I've read Zen teachers recommend such an approach. I do something similar.