Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
My hps bulb blew on me today so need to order another. Its gone all black on one side?


Well-Known Member
Oh! What happened? Any ideas? Its brand new as well! Id phone the company up that you bought it from.

I think it must have had a good knock in transit mate? i only had it on once to test it out and i put my new seeds in there in there pots and switched the HPS off and just left the cfl's on. then when i went to turn the hps back on it wouldnt work and when i took the bulb out to start seeing if anything was wrong inside i noticed the bulb was all black on one side.

I got it from that scl company that did the cheap 250 watters so i'l email them today asking for a replacement.


Well-Known Member
Lmao :lol:

That picture is funny as shit man.

i sent an email so just waiting to here back. i cant even order a replacement as my accounts not authorised yet and i cant order anything with the same email address it wont let me. Hope they get back to me.


Well-Known Member
Well they all broke the soil today. not fully through yet but there on there way at least. 100% germination rate :bigjoint:

Here's a pic, again sorry for crappy pic i still cant find the camera.

notice how the one on the left is purple?

its completely purple stem and leaves? im guessing its not normal but its purple :lol:


mr west

Well-Known Member
jus keep an eye on it, purp can be good and bad lol, id guess its nothing to worrie bout lol


Well-Known Member
if they were all the same seeds i would worry more but its a mixed bag and some of the breeds never even got released?

so i have two chances

a, its a new purple lowryder
b, its fucked up and prob grow a little, shrivel up, fall over & die

time will tell though.


Well-Known Member
wouldn't that be smart :bigjoint:

it would look real nice, one big nug of purple lowryder :hump:

better not get my hopes up to much though.


Well-Known Member
Right well Ive found your journal! I hope the purple one is an exciting new veriety and not a retard lol! im going to get a mixed bag next I think :D
Im going to look through the rest of your journal now...


Well-Known Member
Glad you made it queenbee :-) i really hope it is to. Well im hopin this all turns out ok for me. If i does you will be able to see exactly what sort of variety you get from a mix bag. Hopefully when i get home they will all have opened there heads up. Really need my hps workin now though :-(