(Noob)What is going on here? Calcium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
ok so my plant grew into my light a bit the night before last and I noticed the very top leaves had some discoloration. I thought this was light burn and probably is but this morning I noticed these spots on a leaf a little further down. I’ve looked at a bunch of pictures and posts but I’m still not sure. Is this a Calcium deficiency? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Growing in soil also I am using Cali magic every feeding at full strength so I’m kind of puzzled. Also ph is at 7



Well-Known Member
It's generally assumed that manufacturer's directions are too high...so if you do have an N excess like Harley said...that's why. I'd drop to maybe 3/4. Also on Ph...marijuana like things slightly acidic You could drop to 6.5 and get better nute absorption.

To me, that slightly chevron look...fading between the veins tends to be classic Mg deficiency. I mainly use epsom salts but if your plant can handle the extra Ca...use calmag. Depends on if you're already giving enough CA. Tap water?


Well-Known Member
It's generally assumed that manufacturer's directions are too high...so if you do have an N excess like Harley said...that's why. I'd drop to maybe 3/4. Also on Ph...marijuana like things slightly acidic You could drop to 6.5 and get better nute absorption.

To me, that slightly chevron look...fading between the veins tends to be classic Mg deficiency. I mainly use epsom salts but if your plant can handle the extra Ca...use calmag. Depends on if you're already giving enough CA. Tap water?
Yes I am using tap water and currently using Cali magic cal mag at full strength. I added some liquid nutrients because flowering was starting but maybe I did too much with the soil. I’m using gh flora trio at seedling strength.
Thanks for the replies!


Well-Known Member
No flush. pH adjusted water and then go with reduced strength nutes. Are you using the feeding schedule and do you have a meter for EC/PPM?
I’m using the feeding schedule at half strength. I don’t have an ec meter currently. I just have a simple general hydroponics ph kit. Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for my misunderstanding. So you're at 1/2 strength on main nutes and full on the Calimagic. Wasn't familiar with the Calimagic. That makes it more puzzling.

It could be they are getting too much Ca...with tap and the calmag additive. Is it fairly hard water? Coudy ice cubes are a hint.

Reserve flushing for emergencies...is my position. How rich was your soil? Follow Harley's advice. In general the plant looks perky and should work it's way through this. Overfeeding is the #1 mistake growers make.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for my misunderstanding. So you're at 1/2 strength on main nutes and full on the Calimagic. Wasn't familiar with the Calimagic. That makes it more puzzling.

It could be they are getting too much Ca...with tap and the calmag additive. Is it fairly hard water? Coudy ice cubes are a hint.

Reserve flushing for emergencies...is my position. How rich was your soil? Follow Harley's advice. In general the plant looks perky and should work it's way through this. Overfeeding is the #1 mistake growers make.
Thank you guys for your replies I’ll get a meter as soon as I can. The tap water is very hard I know people around here say it has a lot of calcium. Maybe I’ll try cutting back on that as well after the plain water.


Well-Known Member
OK Jon,
That's likely your issue. I'm most comfortable with ppm and tap water greater then 200 to 250 ppm should be avoided. I still feel your plant is a little mg deficient and if it were my plant I'd stop the Calimagic and switch to Epsom salts...perhaps 1/2 tsp/gal. No Ca in epsom salts.

Make sure you're on a good wet/dry cycle...and carry on.
Good luck,


Well-Known Member
OK Jon,
That's likely your issue. I'm most comfortable with ppm and tap water greater then 200 to 250 ppm should be avoided. I still feel your plant is a little mg deficient and if it were my plant I'd stop the Calimagic and switch to Epsom salts...perhaps 1/2 tsp/gal. No Ca in epsom salts.

Make sure you're on a good wet/dry cycle...and carry on.
Good luck,
Ok thanks a lot man I really appreciate it. I feel much better now than I did when I woke up and saw that on my leaves this morning.


Well-Known Member
No sweat...happy to help. Deficiencies and excess in Calcium can both cause brown spots...so it's a matter of looking at the big picture. Also excess calcium can lock out Mg, so once you get the Ca issue on track, the magnesium def. should take care of itself.


Well-Known Member
Too much nitrogen.
So I’m not seeing the burn spreading anymore I have been watering with plain phd water. I’ve been reading about Miracle-Gro soil and Cannabis, from what I’ve read the nitrogen in it is slow release and I’m wondering if that is what is causing the burn. At this point I’m in flowering, should I try to transplant this thing to better soil? Or just keep it where it is with plain water?


Well-Known Member
So I’m not seeing the burn spreading anymore I have been watering with plain phd water. I’ve been reading about Miracle-Gro soil and Cannabis, from what I’ve read the nitrogen in it is slow release and I’m wondering if that is what is causing the burn. At this point I’m in flowering, should I try to transplant this thing to better soil? Or just keep it where it is with plain water?
Plain water adjusted pH a couple of times. They won't develop any deficiency in that time frame.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that you are using Miracle Grow soil with slow release fertilizer in it? That's definitely something to be avoided in indoor container gardens. The problem is that the more you water...the more nutrients are released.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that you are using Miracle Grow soil with slow release fertilizer in it? That's definitely something to be avoided in indoor container gardens. The problem is that the more you water...the more nutrients are released.
Yes I am... didn’t know about the time release nutes. Is it too late to transplant?


Well-Known Member
ok so my plant grew into my light a bit the night before last and I noticed the very top leaves had some discoloration. I thought this was light burn and probably is but this morning I noticed these spots on a leaf a little further down. I’ve looked at a bunch of pictures and posts but I’m still not sure. Is this a Calcium deficiency? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Growing in soil also I am using Cali magic every feeding at full strength so I’m kind of puzzled. Also ph is at 7
did you cum on your plant or are you spraying something on it