GM laying off 15% of workers and shutting down 5 plants due to trump tariffs

GM is a pathetic snowflake company, no wonder you stick up for them. Honda ain't complaining and they're able to show their might by making a real supercar, not that lame ZR1 which is a fake supercar.

A supercar is a symbol your auto company is doing so well, you can make a car that costs about the same as many houses. Honda still does it all within the US.

If you have to blame Trump for your failures in life it means you suck at living.

Trump's trade war is winning. It makes snowflakes cry.

Instead of GM finding other souces for materials, like Honda already does, they fire people and close plants. Where the least they could do is give their executives a $1 salary and the rest to the employees they fired. But no! They need to whine, "it's Trump's fault!"

Calitalist greed at its finest.
You should tell the 15000 American workers and their families that trumps retarded and unwinnable trade war which just cost them their jobs is winning
First off that car is two years away, so until it comes out it's vaporware. Second Tesla doesn't brag about it being developed and made completely in America like Honda does. That means it's most likely not otherwise Tesla would've said so. Although I like Elon Musk, you still fail. Also the NSX is much cooler and Honda is making an all electric version about the same time as Tesla's is coming out.

honda does make a top notch generator.

as far as supercars, zr1 hands down beats the nsx like a drum

and your other comment about it being the only one designed and built in the US, guess you've never heard of steve saleen?

To be a supercar it needs to have a mid engine. The Zr1 is a rear engine.

Saleen uses modified Ford and Shelby designs, which aren't completely American. Also Saleen outcources many of its key components from European automakers.
Why is it that every single one of you snowflakes blame everyone except the real person behind your unhappiness in life, yourself? That's what children do. Which is why the term snowflake was invented to describe you, because calling you a child is insulting to real children who eventualy grow up.
Yeah, your story on the beach about the cop was super inspirational.

Go project on somebody who gives a fuck what you think. Admittedly, there are only a couple.
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To be a supercar it needs to have a mid engine. The Zr1 is a rear engine.

Saleen uses modified Ford and Shelby designs, which aren't completely American. Also Saleen outcources many of its key components from European automakers.
Go clean your anal beads, what the fuck do you know about cars other than gas has increased $1 a gallon since Trump took over.
Trumps retarded and unwinnable trade war has costGM a billion dollars so they need to fire 15000 workers because of trump

I'm pleased that you arguing against confiscatory taxes and allude to free market trade solutions.

Good job!
First off that car is two years away, so until it comes out it's vaporware. Second Tesla doesn't brag about it being developed and made completely in America like Honda does. That means it's most likely not otherwise Tesla would've said so. Although I like Elon Musk, you still fail. Also the NSX is much cooler and Honda is making an all electric version about the same time as Tesla's is coming out.
Until honda comes out with's
First of all let me say im a big fan of Honda. I sold both Honda cars and Motorbikes over the years and have won many trips and lots of apparel due to their fantastic western work ethics. Same cannot be said for the workers in the Asian countries im afaraid.
However The NSX is to clinical to be classed as a proper super car. Its more a sports car. Super cars are meant to be a little scary to drive. Corvettes and mustangs are muscle car's. A little scary to drive fast but handle like crap. (Like most American cars)
Lamborghini make arguably the best supercars for a reason. They look insane. Will kill you if you get it wrong and will stick to a corner like shit to a blanket. Who care's if you cannot see out of the rear window or you have to contort your body and have three tries to get into the thing? Ferrari F40 didn't even come with a radio and had leather straps as door handles.
If you were a teenage boy would you want a Lambo on your bedroom wall or a NSX?

Used NSX's are pretty damn inexpensive and the reason for this is they are just to safe and beige to be a super car.
I'm not a Trump fan, or a fan of any politician or political party for that matter...but I have to ask...when will people realize the economic difficulty of any developed country is the result of extreme corporate greed? closing plants only ensures executives will continue to receive ungodly amounts of money from the backs of suppressed workers. when will enough be enough? the chairman/CEO of GM makes almost 22 million per year.
Why is it that every single one of you snowflakes blame everyone except the real person behind your unhappiness in life, yourself? That's what children do. Which is why the term snowflake was invented to describe you, because calling you a child is insulting to real children who eventualy grow up.
After 50 plus years in heavy manufacturing electronic maintenance I can honestly say you are incorrect in your manufacturing astuteness.