Aussie Growers Thread

If its needed for drainage in coco alone rocks or something similar at the bottom of the pot is recommended
Coco should not need anything for drainage but in your case cos of the DE used maybe it will help.
I add it to soil cos it adds airflow AND drainage solutions
If I'm wrong here someone can correct me
Ok ok. But I’m asking the question in general. I want to know. Not about my de situation. In general.
Ok ok. But I’m asking the question in general. I want to know. Not about my de situation. In general.
I just fucken said it adds allows even more air to the roots etc how much more general can I get ?
If I've just spent 15 mins of my lunch hour trying to help you for nothing I'll back the fuck up go and ask bong boy
Drip clean is very strong .1ml to the litre, I am having no salt buildups or anything, I don’t need to flush my medium at all coz I use that, it’s good stuff someone else will prob say florakleen
Drip clean does a similar job but in a totally different way and does it way more effectively than Flora Kleen. Drip Clean prevents salts building up which is the cause where Flora Kleen is only treating (somewhat ineffectively) the symptoms. Used properly you can't get salts building up in your substrate it's that simple
I just fucken said it adds allows even more air to the roots etc how much more general can I get ?
If I've just spent 15 mins of my lunch hour trying to help you for nothing I'll back the fuck up go and ask bong boy
Lol. Yeah right. No ones forcing u bud.

I’m just a dumb chick who doesn’t know shit from shoe polish. So let me clarify: PERLITE IS NOT AND NEVER ADDED TO ASSIST IN DRAINAGE??
Latest high times has a gd informative article on using coco and perlite mixed in and also the pros and cons of using perlite stand alone and with other medium like perlite etc. I read the article a few days ago but until I read it again after work I dont really wanna guess on it my memory isn't flash
That's where I read about the DE rocks and using coco
The problem with adding a layer of any type of aggregate as a bottom layer is you move the most moist part of your medium closer to your root ball,that's the advantage of fabric pots they breath all over not just through the top layer so the root mass dries out more evenly.

I think where a lot of people get confused is by thinking aeration and drainage are the same thing when they are 2 different qualities. A soil with a high sand content can have good drainage but not have good aeration.
Drip clean does a similar job but in a totally different way and does it way more effectively than Flora Kleen. Drip Clean prevents salts building up which is the cause where Flora Kleen is only treating (somewhat ineffectively) the symptoms. Used properly you can't get salts building up in your substrate it's that simple
I like drip clean for maintenance and florakleen if I hit trouble
Venus has used DE powder and it clogged up the medium this is why I suggested some form of perlite etc
There's nothing wrong with adding perlite to coco. In fact, I think that's what most people use.
But there's nothing wrong with running straight coco either. I've done it and it works fine. You just don't have to feed as often.

If you've got a few hours to kill, lots of good stuff here:
Doesn't common sense say that perlite would add drainage though? It is inert and the roots can't pass through it, so it creates air pockets.
I'm only going by a gd friend using coco saying if perlite is needed for drainage in coco then something is wrong
Yeah I know it helps with drainage but I was trying to make a point in regards to coco shouldnt need perlite to have sufficient drainage u see where I'm coming from?
I'm wrong ?