My experience with the Attitude


Well-Known Member
So a few weeks ago I ordered some White Dwarf autoflowering seeds from White Label seeds at the Attitude. I paid extra for the international track and trace, and my seeds came no problems. Unfortunatly! They sent me the wrong strain! I ordered White Dwarf, and recieved White Skunk! Im not too upset about it, but even so, I sent the attitude an email to let them know. They responded by accepting responsibilty for the mixup, and told me that White Dwarf was out of stock, so they are sending me 5 feminized White Widow seeds for free.

Im pretty pleased. I recommend the Attitude to anyone.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I dont want to go into specifics of the method of stealth, but lets just say... I was less than impressed. Next time, Ill pay the extra money to have it shipped with a t-shirt.


Well-Known Member
Real address, real name, real card. I ordered them in between grows, and I ordered them to my house that I was moving out of the next week. They came, and I moved.

I wouldnt be too concerned with fake names or whatnot. Worst case scenario, customs takes your seeds and sends you a letter to inform you of it. Thats it.


Well-Known Member
Well if you can, I'd have them shipped to a friends house. I dont really think its necessary, but better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Well im going to go completely 180 on this thread. Im completely dissapointed with the attitude now. Of my ten seeds, only TWO germinated! And only 1 sprouted!!


Well-Known Member
Excuse me? Please tell me how one would go about fucking up the germination process. Its not exactly rocket science, and I'm not some dumbass noob who's never grown before. Ive got a few grows under my belt- i do have some idea what I'm doing. This wasnt grower error- these were inferior seeds. They were extremely small and light colored- they didnt look fully developed, and I had doubts whether or not they would germinate from the get go.

Of the two that germinated, the one that didnt sprout was my fault. I didnt plant it deep enough. But the 8 seeds that completely failed to germinate- I accept no responsibility for that whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
speaking of the t-shirt method, i opted for this when i placed my international order.

my package arrived yesterday as ordered, but no t-shirt. speaking of the stealth, i could have done a better job myself. bottom line though, all my seeds are here and the ones i paid for are 2-3 times as large as the free ones.


Active Member
Excuse me? Please tell me how one would go about fucking up the germination process. Its not exactly rocket science, and I'm not some dumbass noob who's never grown before. Ive got a few grows under my belt- i do have some idea what I'm doing. This wasnt grower error- these were inferior seeds. They were extremely small and light colored- they didnt look fully developed, and I had doubts whether or not they would germinate from the get go.

Of the two that germinated, the one that didnt sprout was my fault. I didnt plant it deep enough. But the 8 seeds that completely failed to germinate- I accept no responsibility for that whatsoever.

Whoa!!... whoa there Trigger!!
I wasnt challenging your competence,sh!t happens,therefore i wrote 'variables',if you contact them im sure they'd bite the bullet for better PR,you could give it a go.
Peace. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Whoa!!... whoa there Trigger!!
I wasnt challenging your competence,sh!t happens,therefore i wrote 'variables',if you contact them im sure they'd bite the bullet for better PR,you could give it a go.
Peace. :cool:
My bad, I thought you were saying it was my fault that they didnt germinate.

I did contact them explaining my problem. I havent gotten a response yet, but I've noticed they usually take a few days to respond to emails. Ill let you know what results, if any, i get.


Well-Known Member
I have germinated attitudes CHEAPEST strains and gotten 7/10 at the very least to pop. I have placed 6 orders with them.. zero issues.

Blaming the seed company? Get real dude, don't stoop that low.