Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Good morning all Tuesday
Woke up to an inappropriate language warning :o
Funny thing is the person that reported it has used the same language (fuck) and my reply to them was screenshotted by the mods so I know who it was :)

That person uses the word fuck freely but obviously didn't like my "fuck off"...
Anyway soft as it is its Tuesday not Monday thank I better grab a coffee and read the last 5 pages
images (41).jpeg
So the stalker might have been telling the truth about her ........... ?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I've already rooted mine, I did have one of those encrypted Blackberries but the problem was no other cunt has a Blackberry except people with the dodgy ones so they were a huge red flag if you were ever seen using it.
I had a Blackberry for awhile. It was awesome. best device ive had. I even had it set up to a printer in the work van so I could print off invoices on the job.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I’m curios what it’s actually like to sell weed like what problems are most common n stuff apart from cops can’t be that hard if every Fuken is doing it
Staying under the radar.
Not having people know were you live. People are stupid and do stupid things like leave strangers in the car whist they duck into score and knock on your door at all hrs and..and..

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Just gutted I forgot bout how many weeks till Xmas got 50dollers n that’s it no smokes nothen it’s my own fault for tiking up but fuck chrismas anyway tbh stress out over buying shit n everything just to be sat home doing fuck all anyway
don't stay at home. Get out, go for walks. Knock on doors and ask for work. You said you wanted to mow lawns- ring up some lawn contractors they would be stupid busy this time of year. Just do.