Dirty Jerz
Well-Known Member
Anyone heard of or made use of this stuff? http://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?kw=npk...s=SBCLK&acimp=0&itemId=&cnm=&cid=&sqp=npk+raw
Why??Why not just buy generic salts ?
That RAW brand looks like bullshit.
Looks interesting to me.
I use RAW Phosphorus. i use as a supplement as i see phos deficiencies in my plants, the supplement helped and solved my deficiency problem.
I really like the stuff but i cannot find a cheaper alternative at the moment. as someone has said earlier a raw product would b phosphoric acid. if you can show me a link where i can get some of that and is it the same thing? im asking because as a user of the RAW phosphorus i like what it's doing for me. and if there is a cheaper alternative please direct me in that direction.
I'd like to replicate the results and also save money. to my knowledge, phosphorus helps promote thicker branching and root uptake for a plant. in case someone was wondering what it did for me.
After using this product i have seen much improvements.
if u go to (under technical uses) agriculture, then fertilizer, you will find monoammonium phosphate and not phosphoric acid used as a fertilizer.
And i do use this product for hydroponic uses. I use Sunshine Mix #4 with great results. im not trying to sell this product whatsoever i am just stating that it works and it has worked for me and that is why i use it, and i would like to know a cheaper source for this stuff.
RAW Solubles is extremely expensive for what they are offering. Bigger growers..just buy salt fertilizer or Jacks (salt fertilizer). The RAW thing is for hobbyists clearly. That being said..I like the dry powder biostimulants. But I get them from kelp4less for alot cheaper. The dry fulvic is good. The kelp..The Yucca..And the soy protein hydrolysate (amino acid). A couple pounds of each will last quite awhile for me. Weekly foliars.