Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I’m going to share a recipe I’ve been working on for a couple years .
(This is a guide line n can be made smaller or adjusted to suit your needs)

3/4-1 pound of junk, bone dry
1kg beeswax
50ml peppermint oil
3000ml coconut oil. (No smell / no taste)
15ml sunflower lecithin pre oz of material.
(Liquid is better then the powder)

In a xl crockpot on high, bring coconut oil up to temp, add lecithin, mix,
Add dry material (I usually do 1oz per 250ml of oil) mix, the material will soak in the oil, it will look like to much material at 1st. Work it with a spoon till blended, cover

Once all the litttle bubbles start around the edge . Stir again, n turn to warm .
Now leave it for 10-12 hours , stir it if you think of it .

Let cool so you can work with it.
Then filter out the material, n set aside.
Setup a double boiler, n melt 1kg of beeswax, and the coconut oil; n peppermint oil, (50ml will give you a tingle , if you are going to apply to your face 50ml is on the strong side)

Once all melted n mixed , I remove from heat n let kool over night . The next day check it , if to hard add a little coconut oil,

If it’s good , melt again n pour into small jars

It’s crazy how good this works . I give it to everyone.

And made with junk
What does lecithin do?
I've got oil but didn't use any lecithin.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... sounds like something I should have been using all along.

Thanks for the tip!
No problem, anyone making edibles etc should be using it, no matter what medium you choose, coconut, olive, grape seed to name a couple.

There is a few different lecithin, egg, soybean, sunflower.
Sunflower lecithin is made from cold pressing , others are made from hextane.
The liquid lecithin will mix a lot better then the powder.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
4 years ago my wife was in a highway head on and had broken ribs which I nursed her through along with severe vertigo. She’s back but the first few weeks her ribs were just damn hurtful. Nothing but sympathy!
A first onset of vertigo left me laying on the bathroom floor for 2 days, too weak to lift my head to puke what was left in my stomach. Seemed like the cycle would never stop. As I'd begin to fall asleep / pass out, the spinning jumped right in. I'd have it recur often for about 4 years after, and it took longer than that before I could lay on my back without provoking another assault. Of the many illnesses, broken bones, and a couple of near death hospital encounters, vertigo is up there with the most dreadful.

Amos Otis is The Undaunted Comic. Thanks for the tip on baby tokes. :joint:
Cracked ribs is always a tough break.


Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
A first onset of vertigo left me laying on the bathroom floor for 2 days, too weak to lift my head to puke what was left in my stomach. Seemed like the cycle would never stop. As I'd begin to fall asleep / pass out, the spinning jumped right in. I'd have it recur often for about 4 years after, and it took longer than that before I could lay on my back without provoking another assault. Of the many illnesses, broken bones, and a couple of near death hospital encounters, vertigo is up there with the most dreadful.

Cracked ribs is always a tough break.

View attachment 4255638
Thanks, Norm.

Dear ol" Thankful Grower!

Well-Known Member
What's the smell on her?

This chuck was just to see what that dad Swayze adds to,or takes away from the moms..
He definitely passes on bud growth.
Yeah buds are definently full the smell is crazy like a burnt rubber gas to it like fuel smelling real strong definently stands out I’m more into the sweet fruity aromas but would grow this one again cuz the growth is crazy in same pot size as the south beach breeze it tripled the size of that south beach breeze just letting it grow out the heaviest yielder in my tent


Well-Known Member
Can someone point me in the right direction on a good brand of coco? Never used the stuff, but I have a small tent that is getting switched to rdwc and I would like to fill in gaps with one gal coco/perlite pots. I know I need to rinse it, I just know I've heard about bad brands too.


Well-Known Member
Can someone point me in the right direction on a good brand of coco? Never used the stuff, but I have a small tent that is getting switched to rdwc and I would like to fill in gaps with one gal coco/perlite pots. I know I need to rinse it, I just know I've heard about bad brands too.
I have tried a few different ones. I like the roots brick for value and quality.


Well-Known Member
Can someone point me in the right direction on a good brand of coco? Never used the stuff, but I have a small tent that is getting switched to rdwc and I would like to fill in gaps with one gal coco/perlite pots. I know I need to rinse it, I just know I've heard about bad brands too.
Are you looking to go with bricks or loose media? If bricks, I've used Botanicare Coco-tek 5kg and they're a good price/quality...I'd recommend buffering the coco if you go with bricks. If you're looking to go with loose/pre-expanded media, I'd probably go with Canna's already buffered, so you don't need to take that step.