Intellectual Dark Web

“Arabs like living in sewage” - intellectual thought leader Ben Shapiro

(Ben Shapiro willingly works alongside white supremacists)
Sam Harris does fawning interviews with white supremacist Charles murray, who authored a book arguing that black people are just naturally dumber than whites
Jonathan haidt says we need to restrict immigration because diverse culture are unworkable, only homogenous cultures work out

These people are all white supremacist dumbasses
Michael shermer says the rise of white right wing racists is the fault of non-white groups pushing for stuff like equal rights or treatment

The rise of racism is the fault of the groups affected by said racism

Just like rape is caused by makeup and short skirts
Tonight is the first time I've heard this term, so I looked it up. There's quite a few people on the list I've heard of, and have at least, some good ideas.

Some folks I've never heard of, and some folks I don't overly agree with but an interesting page to start learning from.

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Soooooo you think it's okay to hate people based on the color of their skin or their country of origin?

If that's your idea of intellectualism- nevermind notions of spirituality or sexuality- then maybe you need to be kidnapped and sent to be a slave in Guatemala.

Nothing else will get through
Hahahaha oh Bumblefuck, you're such a blowhard.

“Arabs like living in sewage” - intellectual thought leader Ben Shapiro

(Ben Shapiro willingly works alongside white supremacists)

No, Shapiro works with people YOU deem white supremacists. It doesn't actually mean they are. Ben Shapiro is the most attacked person by the alt-right... lol this is a fact, or at least it was in 2016.

I've heard a lot of things from Shaprio that are nail on the head, and some that aren't. Whoopty doo.... NEXT.

Sam Harris does fawning interviews with white supremacist Charles murray, who authored a book arguing that black people are just naturally dumber than whites

Charles Murray isn't a supremecist in any way shape or form. Sam Harris isn't even right wing, dumbass. NEXT!

Jonathan haidt says we need to restrict immigration because diverse culture are unworkable, only homogenous cultures work out

These people are all white supremacist dumbasses

What? Like Sweden? Finland? or other democratic homogeneous countries? lol

It's a god damn fact that homogeneous groups are more likely to get along, this isn't racism it's reality. It's why religious groups often try to fucking murder each other.

If everyone has similar thinking\cultures, they tend to get along better. What is even remotely controversial about that? NEXT!

Michael shermer says the rise of white right wing racists is the fault of non-white groups pushing for stuff like equal rights or treatment

The rise of racism is the fault of the groups affected by said racism

Just like rape is caused by makeup and short skirts

LOL WUT? Where did Michael Shermer say that? Did you get that form one of your communist\marxist fan-boi sites?
Soooooo you think it's okay to hate people based on the color of their skin or their country of origin?

If that's your idea of intellectualism- nevermind notions of spirituality or sexuality- then maybe you need to be kidnapped and sent to be a slave in Guatemala.

Nothing else will get through
Who hates people based on the colour of their skin? What kind of strawman are you trying to fight here?

Not surprised you suggest violence during a non-violent conversation, seems to be a common tactic on the extreme leftist side of things.
I suppose Larry Elder, Ayaan Ali, Maajid Nawaz and Gad Saad are white supremacists too?

Or are they "literal nazi's"?

I'll wait for you to reply with some made-up nonsense.

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Hahahaha oh Bumblefuck, you're such a blowhard.

No, Shapiro works with people YOU deem white supremacists. It doesn't actually mean they are. Ben Shapiro is the most attacked person by the alt-right... lol this is a fact, or at least it was in 2016.

I've heard a lot of things from Shaprio that are nail on the head, and some that aren't. Whoopty doo.... NEXT.

Charles Murray isn't a supremecist in any way shape or form. Sam Harris isn't even right wing, dumbass. NEXT!

What? Like Sweden? Finland? or other democratic homogeneous countries? lol

It's a god damn fact that homogeneous groups are more likely to get along, this isn't racism it's reality. It's why religious groups often try to fucking murder each other.

If everyone has similar thinking\cultures, they tend to get along better. What is even remotely controversial about that? NEXT!

LOL WUT? Where did Michael Shermer say that? Did you get that form one of your communist\marxist fan-boi sites?
As just one example of how fucked in the head you are, kkk leader David duke advertises Charles Murray’s book on his website
Who hates people based on the colour of their skin? What kind of strawman are you trying to fight here?

Not surprised you suggest violence during a non-violent conversation, seems to be a common tactic on the extreme leftist side of things.
You do.

Not a strawman argument in any way; you held these racists up as thought leaders espousing values you agree with.

That makes you a racist.

That process of looking at the evidence and coming to the obvious logical conclusion is a fundamental component of intellectualism.

What you pointedly haven't done is deny that you're a racist.
@rollitup I think this thread is in the wrong place; it belongs in politics and has no business contaminating a forum reserved for discussions of spirituality or sexuality.
Except a lot of those people are philosophers.... just because you don't like things doesn't mean you get to throw a hissy fit.

You do.

Not a strawman argument in any way; you held these racists up as thought leaders espousing values you agree with.

That makes you a racist.

That process of looking at the evidence and coming to the obvious logical conclusion is a fundamental component of intellectualism.

What you pointedly haven't done is deny that you're a racist.
You don't know anything about me. lol

They're not racists (or at least most of them aren't, I don't know anything about some of them) - a bunch of them are visible minorities. Typical leftist garbage tactics; claim all dissenting points of view are racist, and attack the people asking questions to close down discussion. It's authoritarianism parading as kindness, except you're not fooling anyone except for yourselves.
I hate Nazis.
Yeah, Nazi's suck. Neo-nazi's suck, white supremacists suck, and the alt-right sucks, communism sucks, political correctness sucks, ideologues suck, inter-sectionality sucks.

Lots of stuff sucks on both sides, that's why I sit in the middle and defend aspects of both leanings.