o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)


Well-Known Member
well the garden lights did the job she is going back to a veg cycle ,so i thought i would put up some pictures of my girls after they had a hair cut.
they have recovered quite well and are starting to put on some fast regrowth.
so i still have a chance to grow them into some half decent monsters....:-)


Well-Known Member
well the garden lights did the job she is going back to a veg cycle ,so i thought i would put up some pictures of my girls after they had a hair cut.
they have recovered quite well and are starting to put on some fast regrowth.
so i still have a chance to grow them into some half decent monsters....:-)

looking tops mate :mrgreen: not that i would expect anything else from your self kiss-ass but on a serious note how many times have you topped then and what style did you use ?

ill be puttig some of my ladys up on here soon :D finaly found them a true blue spot :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
howdy shroomy

i topped once,the style i call it the hack method i just hacked them to bits till there were no sign of any flowers...:-)


Well-Known Member
just thought i would do an update...:-)
the lady in the big pot is doing real well i think she will be a real monster plant
my other one has recovered well from the hair cut and is looking real good but i dont think she will get to be a real tall girl ,
she will just be a short bushy one,but who knows still a few months growing time left...:-)



Well-Known Member
so.. how much longer in this grow season???? lmao its gonna be a fuckin tank! ... seriously get some lumber and get ready to build a tree house .. that or get ready to go to a sawmill to make lumber :O