You thought I was kidding

I have been meaning to do this for a while for myself so you are in luck.
pH meter - top of the list for a reason. Apera or comparable QUALITY ph tester. Get a TDS/PPM/EC meter, but even the cheap ones work well. I used the one that came with a zero-water filter for a year

Light - HLG-260w V2 $357.99 (what I have) or the HLG-320w V2 $407.99 (what I'll upgrade to when the other one dies.) How much each plant can possibly produce is based on the wattage. More is better, to a point, but if you put too much in a small space you have more heat than can be easily removed.
Exhaust - AC Infinity Cloudline. You will lose one foot of height in the closet with this and a cannister but it is worth it. The carbon filter cannister will cost another $50, doesn't really matter which brand. Cheap is good if you can vent it into the attic.
RO water filter. Start with 0ppm cheap, then control everything that goes into the water. It's supposed to last a year, but it's rated for 50 gallons per day, so no telling how long it'll last.
small oscillating fan
any little fan will do, but make sure it has a mechanical on-off selector so it comes back on with the timer. Got one that had a push-button on-off, and luckily I noticed that it had to be turned "on" every time the lights came back on. I stuck a different one in quick.
If you want to know any why's or specifics, hit me up on my thread, I'll even post pictures LOL