Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Oooh but looks like others have letters, maybe a batch?

Your envelope is different but the following post would explain why. If they're having printer problems again it would be different.

I've been following this forum for about 2-3 months waiting patiently. I finally gave in and called at day 95 and a guy answered (whom after the conversation I can only assume was new) and said I was approved yet couldn't give me my approval date OR the "sent to printer" date. He (like someone mentioned earlier) said it would be 14 business days. However, today I received a letter stating the place the great state of Illinois outsourced well needed jobs to has failed and I can use this letter as a stead. (Pic included).
I have nothing to do with the "opiate" amendment thing with this ( I applied before that)..but if Illinois' outsourcing company that prints cards has failed to come through I think you guys should have high hopes- pun intended.

-October 12th applied online
-January 19th proxy card in hand
99 days

Yay and grrr.

Glad they're sending letters. So why in hell couldn't they have started sending letters as "provisional access" much earlier? This proves they could've had provisional working faster. And why wait until they are over 90 days getting cards out before they're sending letters? It should've always been timed that if you don't get a card in the previous law's 30 days you get a letter to abide by the law.

Have you called your dispensary about this? I'd be curious to see if they know about these letters and if the state has told them they're an acceptable form of "card".

It's been done before. I'm sure they already know about it. Judging from what the manager at my dispensary said it was hectic the first time letters went out.
It probably has the QP# in it. That is what is needed not the card. Entering my card's QP# wrong had me show up as not registered, the card isn't magic (well it could be, it has a bar code, but my dispensary doesn't scan it in).
I've been following this forum for about 2-3 months waiting patiently. I finally gave in and called at day 95 and a guy answered (whom after the conversation I can only assume was new) and said I was approved yet couldn't give me my approval date OR the "sent to printer" date. He (like someone mentioned earlier) said it would be 14 business days. However, today I received a letter stating the place the great state of Illinois outsourced well needed jobs to has failed and I can use this letter as a stead. (Pic included).
I have nothing to do with the "opiate" amendment thing with this ( I applied before that)..but if Illinois' outsourcing company that prints cards has failed to come through I think you guys should have high hopes- pun intended.

-October 12th applied online
-January 19th proxy card in hand
99 days

What the fuck. I bet that is what I have too. My dog will totally eat that.
You also need to be at the dispensary not right at closing the first time, it takes a little while to get you checked in the first time.
Damn- I'm still waiting on the card. I figured it would be printed and here by at least today, but no dice. Hopefully next week.

Edit: Also, I haven't received a letter yet either. When I called he didn't mention a letter being on the way -- just that my info was headed to printer out of state then the card would be mailed and that it should be here in the next 10 days. I think I'll call again Tuesday to try to check in.
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Got my letter today folks. It took 93 days total from start to finish. Shortly after
receiving it, I headed over to the dispensary. They had no problem accepting
the letter. Should get my actual card sometime in February. So, all is good now.

I bought three different products. Bought a vape cartridge, 1/8 once of flower, and
a bottle of CBD drops. Sure hope these help me.

Good luck to all you folks on this thread. Hope you all get your cards soon.
I got my letter as well today, called dispensary to make sure they take it, and made sure they wont be closing early. Applied oct 13th online, letter in hand jan 19th.
I never really said anything here but I've mainly been following you since our dates are so close.
To that end, cheers~! I hope we both can finally achieve what we aimed for with medical cannabis and the plethora of benefits a plant can have.
Plant>Synthetic drugs.
Turns out plants are better than chemicals!
Who would've thunk.
So after seeing my letter in informed delivery this morning at 9AM, I have done nothing but wait for my postal carrier all day. It is now after 4:30 (quitting time for post office) and they NEVER. DELIVERED. MY. MAIL!!!!!!

I am so pissed!! I know it snowed, but the streets and sidewalks are clear, and it is Chicago in January for fucks sake! And to top it off, it is MLK day on Monday, so next postal delivery is Tuesday. I am on the verge of tears.
Man with the snow storm I still have not received my mail for the day. And they close at 6pm, my dispensary. So it looks like I don't get to go tonight. And if the mail doesn't run today, tomorrow is Sunday so no mail on Sunday's. Boo. Mailman just better be running late.
However, today I received a letter stating the place the great state of Illinois outsourced well needed jobs to has failed and I can use this letter as a stead. (Pic included).

Oh wow, so the outsourced, fancy printed ID cards turned out to be a problem? I wonder if there's a better way to do this....

Can't help but notice that our neighbor Ohio was smart enough to use downloadable/printable ecards for their new medical cannabis program. IDPH is essentially going to be issuing ecards starting in a few weeks, since that's what the provisional access document is for all intents and purposes. Maybe there's some merit to dropping the fancy printed card altogether if it would save time/money.