Were you that mad about the wall in 2013 when 100% of senate Democrats voted YES for 350 miles of wall.
Why is this 280 miles of wall so much more hurtful to you than the 350 miles already voted on.
You don’t really have to tell me I already know.
i actually wasn't aware that they had voted to build a wall before....it doesn't really surprise me. the government seems to waste money the way other beasts breath...without thinking about it....
i really don't want any wall....a few sensors here and there and some border guards in response vehicles should be more than enough. this isn't a border with a hostile country, Mexico has been a trade partner for decades, and how many Americans haven't been to Mexico for at least a weekend? whether its trumps wall or the democrats wall..it's stupid, and a waste of money....
i don't support illegal immigration...but i don't support making the process so stupidly complicated that the only real option people have is to seek forgiveness instead of permission...
to me, all a wall is, is a symbol of hate, and isolation, and a denial that immigration is one of the biggest things that made this country great to begin with...so, i wasn't all pissed off about it when the democrats proposed it, mostly becase i was oblivious to it....but, also, i will admit, it seems much easier to get indignant about something when you paste trumps face on it....which may or may not be fair to him....but i honestly am not concerned about treating trump fairly...i'm concerned with getting him out of the White house as soon as possible