Green's Gorilla Glue #4


Well-Known Member
guys really cool competition starting, almost zero rules compared to any other comp I've seen! check it out before u say no!

  • any beans or cuts
  • any medium or hydro w.e.
  • 18 weeks total grow
  • just about any dam thing!

the rules are so lose, it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! only thing some ppl have an issue with is the way the votes are hidden until the end, but I don't see any flaws in that, other a lot of work for the guy running it! pop in you guys may like it!


Well-Known Member
guys really cool competition starting, almost zero rules compared to any other comp I've seen! check it out before u say no!

  • any beans or cuts
  • any medium or hydro w.e.
  • 18 weeks total grow
  • just about any dam thing!

the rules are so lose, it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! only thing some ppl have an issue with is the way the votes are hidden until the end, but I don't see any flaws in that, other a lot of work for the guy running it! pop in you guys may like it!
Good Morning!

You appeared to be stressing yesterday before getting a chance to inspect your plants.
Do you feel better now after checking your plants for pollen sacks?
I enjoy following heisens grow but there is a bit to much chatter going on in that thread to chat there about hermies.

I was quite sure your plant wasn't pollinated.
It was good for you to check.
You said more are turning brown.
There are a number of things that can brown the hairs.
If the pistils brown and retain there shape then they are not likely pollinated.
When they are pollinated the pistils will shrivel up.

Just my 2c.

Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

You appeared to be stressing yesterday before getting a chance to inspect your plants.
Do you feel better now after checking your plants for pollen sacks?
I enjoy following heisens grow but there is a bit to much chatter going on in that thread to chat there about hermies.

I was quite sure your plant wasn't pollinated.
It was good for you to check.
You said more are turning brown.
There are a number of things that can brown the hairs.
If the pistils brown and retain there shape then they are not likely pollinated.
When they are pollinated the pistils will shrivel up.

Just my 2c.

Happy Growing!
yea everything is good, can't find anything wrong! but for sure a lot more pistols have started to trun! really getting excited!


Well-Known Member
  • ya know it kinda sucks this thread is almost over, Ive kinda enjoyed making it over the months! sadly around 26ish days left, then the last post of weight! kinda depressing! hopefully I get some testers or something else that's worthy of a journal!


Well-Known Member
  • ya know it kinda sucks this thread is almost over, Ive kinda enjoyed making it over the months! sadly around 26ish days left, then the last post of weight! kinda depressing! hopefully I get some testers or something else that's worthy of a journal!
it's kinda nice though, cause the info doesn't get buried by endless pages. I've been considering starting a new thread because mine is 40 some pages long now lol. but i'd want to change the content focus, and I don't know what I'd want to do yet for that. Probably get more analysis based. tea scope sampling, lab bud reports. more side by side trials rather than just endless string of bud pics with some little gems of info here and there. I need a change :)


Well-Known Member
it's kinda nice though, cause the info doesn't get buried by endless pages. I've been considering starting a new thread because mine is 40 some pages long now lol. but i'd want to change the content focus, and I don't know what I'd want to do yet for that. Probably get more analysis based. tea scope sampling, lab bud reports. more side by side trials rather than just endless string of bud pics with some little gems of info here and there. I need a change :)
I think I want to do one more sip thread, with the finalized info I've found on this, bc since the beginning of this thread I've changed so much, and learned so much! I'm hoping to slim it down, less bs, straight up info, and ppls good questions!

honestly I just want to spread the method of growing, I just can't stress how cheap, lil amount of work, and absolutely amazing results im getting with this! in 5 years I haven't found anything that is even midly close to being in the same level as this! and I really just wanna scream it from the rooftops ya know!


Well-Known Member
I went from growing ladies that maxed 2 or 3 oz, and it's a lot of work, teas, and feedings, plus top dressings and just a lot of shit!

now with this method, I can go 2 weeks at a time, and not even see the girls, and they thrive like no one's business! and in the same exact time frame I've always used for growing these girls are getting 3 or 4 times bigger than ever! not to mention the minimal amount of work! the fool prof of the system, and how the life adjust things on it own! it's just really crazy man! my harvest has literally doubled and tripled using the same dam soil, the same knowledge I already have! man its just crazy!


Well-Known Member
I feel like a broken record and trying to shove this shit down ppls throats, you would think I'm selling something or being sponsored or some shit! and I'm not by anyone or anything lol. it's just how absolutely amazed I am, and how dam simple it is! I really just want someone to tell me I'm not crazy, and it's this method! it truly makes my dick hard! hell I'd almost be willing to pay ppl to try it! if I wasn't so poor lol!


Well-Known Member
it's kinda nice though, cause the info doesn't get buried by endless pages. I've been considering starting a new thread because mine is 40 some pages long now lol. but i'd want to change the content focus, and I don't know what I'd want to do yet for that. Probably get more analysis based. tea scope sampling, lab bud reports. more side by side trials rather than just endless string of bud pics with some little gems of info here and there. I need a change :)
I'd follow that for sure! Hurry up!!


Well-Known Member
also another conclusion I've came to, is that for the last 5 years, I've just been a mediocre grower at best, nothing like incredibly insane and nothing special! ive never known this before bc I've never seen another growers farm! and until I've seen these sips, I just had no idea, how much my regular grows were slacking! which makes since why I'm so stoked about the sips, bc the life in the pots, grows better than I've ever been able to! which is why I see my results as like it's a gift from God or some shit! the sips never run out of water, the always have exactly what they need and when they need it! where as my normals grows were good sometimes, and lacking others!

well at least this makes since to me! regardless, I'll be running this method for many many years to come! well hopefully! I'm a very happy farmer now! I'll try and get your guys some nice pics in a few hours! she is starting to thicken up! still looking 100%!