I thought they were always peed out ... and you can actually like, see them shits and they look like little black pebbles. Supposedly the most painful part of them is over at that point. I've never had them, but out of curiosity I read about them a little. I always thought that only older folks got them.. But maybe not.
Anyone can get them. I had a tumor that was causing my blood chemistry to be pretty whacked, et voila, killme stones. Had surgery last year to remove the tumor (I still hate it when Dave says, "Maybe it's a tumor!"

) but my kidneys are still chock full o' calculi and I've been getting these DAMNED good therapeutic massages and I think they're workin' 'em loose, because I hadn't had a stone pass since the surgery.
Oh, and even if you double up on the Norco and it's supposed to be pretty much the same thing as Vicodin, it's not and it only barely works. Plus it makes me ill.
You can NOT shit out kidney stones. They can only be passed through the urinary tract, by the way. And while they pass, at least the most common type (calcium oxalate, which make jagged little crystals), they're tearing you up inside, slicing and dicing everything from the kidney to the bladder. Good fun!