Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

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one book...against thousands of doctors...
the second link means what? that vaccinations don't stop a disease that you weren't vaccinated for? they didn't get vaccinated for parotitis.
so, whats the point of the whole link?

One book?

There are over 1200 studies proving vaccines are more dangerous than there's benefits to them.
one book...against thousands of doctors...
the second link means what? that vaccinations don't stop a disease that you weren't vaccinated for? they didn't get vaccinated for parotitis.
so, whats the point of the whole link?

Explain the breakout of mumps on the ship between 100% vaccinated population.

How comes Ukraine had under 5000 cases of measels when vax rates were under 50% few years agoand have over 40k cases now when rates are at about 95%.

You ever took a time and had a look what is in vaccines? Like cancer cells, fragments of human and animal dna, formaldehyde that's known carcinogenic , polysorbate 80, mercury compounds that are prooven to be neurotoxic, aluminum salts that are proven to be neurotoxic, glyphosate, ...

Are you trying to tell me that injecting this stuff is beneficial to newborns and toddlers? Makes them stronger? Would you inject this compounds into your bloodstream at 80x ammounts that babies get?

Why are there outbreaks between highly vaccinated populations like in China for example where rates are at 99.9% but they still get outbreaks of measels, and other childhood diseases?

You really think vaccines have anything to do with disappearing of deseases? How comes appearance of those dropped to below 2% before vaccines were started being used?

We have no scarlet fever vaccine yet rates of this disease followed the others.

You do know this applies to all the childhood diseases:





Please do read through this

If you want any unfo on scientific explanation how dangerous vaccines are and blessed by CDC let me know I'll dig all the shit up for you
Good question.

I don't want my kids around other kids who's parents make questionable medical decisions based on manufactured evidence, and who consider their child so important that they can disregard the safety of others "just 'cause".

Idiots, the lot of them.

Would you want to associate with them?
Well its not your place to tell others what to do with thier kids. If you vaccinate yours then you have nothing to worry about and should mind your own business when it comes to others.

Yes I would associate with them. I could care less. My kids are vaccinated.
Well its not your place to tell others what to do with thier kids. If you vaccinate yours then you have nothing to worry about and should mind your own business when it comes to others.

Yes I would associate with them. I could care less. My kids are vaccinated.

Someone unvaccinated with a full blown illness such as measles can still communicate that illness to a person who is vaccinated but has a weakened immune system.

That's why it's not a good idea to associate with people who make idiotic medical decisions.
"due to an outbreak of a viral infection similar to mumps"

I bolded and underlined that word you missed.


Funny ain't it how convenient it is when you get two diseases that have almost identical symptoms but are called differently?

Did you know that viruses and bacteria mutate in the nature? Did you know that viruses in vaccines have been used for the past 50 years without any alternation? So how do you expect to build immunity to a virus that has never been really erradicted (or bacteria) through a vaccine that's using 50 years old copy grown on kidney cells from a monkey? Or grown on cancerous lung cells from another humn being? Do you know what SV40 is? You done any research or are you one of those mainstream media radical believers.

Can you show me 1 (ONE) single study that proves vaccines are safe? Please?

Do you know why us government paid 4 billions USD for vaccine damage since 1986? Do you know that vaccine manufacturers can't be sewed for and can't be held responsible fot the damage their products cause and are protected by the law? Can tou explain to me why that's so?
Someone unvaccinated with a full blown illness such as measles can still communicate that illness to a person who is vaccinated but has a weakened immune system.

That's why it's not a good idea to associate with people who make idiotic medical decisions.

Someone vaccinated can also be a vector for that same disease and transfer it to others, unvaccinated. Like for example your fresly vaccinated child between bunch of newborns. That's how you get outbreaks of whooping cough or measles.
Did you know there is a genetic basis for some adverse reactions to the smallpox vaccine?

“Genetic polymorphisms in genes expressing an enzyme previously associated with adverse reactions to a variety of pharmacologic agents (MTHFR) and an immunological transcription factor (IRF1) were associated with AEs after smallpox vaccination in 2 independent study samples.”
Funny ain't it how convenient it is when you get two diseases that have almost identical symptoms but are called differently?

Did you know that viruses and bacteria mutate in the nature? Did you know that viruses in vaccines have been used for the past 50 years without any alternation? So how do you expect to build immunity to a virus that has never been really erradicted (or bacteria) through a vaccine that's using 50 years old copy grown on kidney cells from a monkey? Or grown on cancerous lung cells from another humn being? Do you know what SV40 is? You done any research or are you one of those mainstream media radical believers.

Can you show me 1 (ONE) single study that proves vaccines are safe? Please?

Do you know why us government paid 4 billions USD for vaccine damage since 1986? Do you know that vaccine manufacturers can't be sewed for and can't be held responsible fot the damage their products cause and are protected by the law? Can tou explain to me why that's so?

You just moved the goalposts so fucking far because YOU COULDN'T READ AN ARTICLE.

The people on that boat didn't have the mumps.

It's not my fault you can't read well.

Yeah, its called the vaccine injury compensation program. And it's been paying out since 1988, not 1986.

Ever hear of the NIAID? Yeah, they fund continuous studies that any qualifying organization can participate in on the safety and efficacy of all vaccines used in the united states.

All vaccines licensed for use in the United States undergo a rigorous process to test for both safety and efficacy. Safety testing is an integral part of every vaccine development stage—from lab studies to clinical trials to post-licensure evaluation.

Once in use, vaccines continue to be monitored for safety and efficacy by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, the federal government has numerous checks and balances in place to monitor the safety and efficacy of vaccines and to ensure that recommendations about immunization practices and procedures reflect the best available science. The National Vaccine Program Office within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has responsibility for coordinating and ensuring collaboration among the many federal agencies involved in these efforts.

Got any other brain busters buddy?
Someone unvaccinated with a full blown illness such as measles can still communicate that illness to a person who is vaccinated but has a weakened immune system.

That's why it's not a good idea to associate with people who make idiotic medical decisions.
It's wise to vaccinate. One is not an idiot for making the decision not to.

Its a parents right not to.

I almost made the decision not to and home school. Not because I'm stupid or crazy. There is risk to vaccines. CDC and other agencies list those risk. I mada the decision the benefit outweighed the risk.

I've posted those links before and others go to say its not the vaccine but the bodies response to the vaccine. Ok. It's still the vaccine that caused it.

The risk is small but exist.
You just moved the goalposts so fucking far because YOU COULDN'T READ AN ARTICLE.

The people on that boat didn't have the mumps.

It's not my fault you can't read well.

Yeah, its called the vaccine injury compensation program. And it's been paying out since 1988, not 1986.

Ever hear of the NIAID? Yeah, they fund continuous studies that any qualifying organization can participate in on the safety and efficacy of all vaccines used in the united states.

All vaccines licensed for use in the United States undergo a rigorous process to test for both safety and efficacy. Safety testing is an integral part of every vaccine development stage—from lab studies to clinical trials to post-licensure evaluation.

Once in use, vaccines continue to be monitored for safety and efficacy by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, the federal government has numerous checks and balances in place to monitor the safety and efficacy of vaccines and to ensure that recommendations about immunization practices and procedures reflect the best available science. The National Vaccine Program Office within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has responsibility for coordinating and ensuring collaboration among the many federal agencies involved in these efforts.

Got any other brain busters buddy?

CDC and FDA you say?
It's wise to vaccinate. One is not an idiot for making the decision not to.

Its a parents right not to.

I almost made the decision not to and home school. Not because I'm stupid or crazy. There is risk to vaccines. CDC and other agencies list those risk. I mada the decision the benefit outweighed the risk.

I've posted those links before and others go to say its not the vaccine but the bodies response to the vaccine. Ok. It's still the vaccine that caused it.

The risk is small but exist.

noun: idiot; plural noun: idiots
a stupid person.
synonyms: fool, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, moron, simpleton, clod;More

adjective: stupid; comparative adjective: stupider; superlative adjective: stupidest
having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
"I was stupid enough to think she was perfect"
synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, dull, slow-witted, witless, slow, dunce-like, simpleminded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, halfwitted, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish;More

I think that idiot is the perfect word to describe a pro-diseaser. They were stupid enough to think that not vaccinating is safer than vaccinating which is irrational as fuck.

Actually, it's not a parental right. Not nitpicking, but it isn't. As early as 1905 the supreme court has ruled that parents DO NOT have a constitutional right to not vaccinate their children.

I'm not arguing about the well-known risks associated with vaccination.

If you want, we can go over the numbers published in the VICP report that shows the total compensable claims vs administrations. It's less than a millionth of a percent, ie negligible.
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