^Everything you need to know about getting rid of root aphids
That is a well written piece!
I read that once our problem hit some years back, and used parts of that info to fix our problem..
It does have several things to be looked at more carefully.
Bayer did come out with a root aphid specific some years back. It got denied by the states and Feds for it being a neonictinoid.....The same thing in Imid. But at higher rates... Imid, neonictinoids - kill or harm Bee's BIG TIME. It is the biggest part of the colony collapse issue. New Neonictinoids are being denied for that reason.
Use of Imid should be limited to inside only.
Acephate is the the best killer. You don't spray it so it's not so bad and the fumes are considered dangerous if your using the powder and making a dust cloud when mixing....I do use a specific filtered mask when using it myself.
Botaniguard can be hard on plants if used improperly.....I have gotten several reports of this but, think it maybe due to over use in mixing....
Don't make a lot of sense but, something happened. Letting you all know of possibilities...
I can not say this enough... SANITIZE everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Hell do it twice and do it 5 days apart to catch hatch...EVEN IF YOU CAN THE PLANTS AND START OVER!
These are the hardest thing to get rid of if you don't just get out the big gun and use it.....I got rid of Russet mites easier then these buggers